E.g., 07/01/2024
E.g., 07/01/2024
Sl.No. Text Of RTI Apllication View request doc Link Request Received Date Request Reply Doc Appeal Appeal reply
611 DOTEL/R/2019/81115/1

Public Information Officer,
New Delhi.

Please provide following information under RTI

1. Please provide MNP Circular issued by TRAI for Mobile Portability...

12/04/2019 reply uploaded
612 DOTEL/R/2019/51046

My pension is said to be cut as per DOT ratification vide letter no: 68-32/2019-Vig-II dated 26-09-2019.
Please provide me with a copy of the same.

11/29/2019 Copy of DoT letter no: 68-32/2019-Vig-II dated 26-09-2019.
613 DOTEL/R/2019/81099

Respected Sir/Madam,
Kindly provide me the following information,

1.Kindly provide list of services where Aadhaar is required.
2. Kindly provide list of services where Aadhaar...

11/28/2019 reply uploaded
614 DOTEL/R/2019/51031

1.what is the guidelines to call 1507 from a new mobile connection for televerification purpose

11/27/2019 reply uploaded
615 DOTEL/R/2019/81086

As you know that Internet services is suspended from last three months in Jammu and kashmir .But We are paying for the same plan from last three month whereas companies are not giving

11/21/2019 reply uploaded
616 DOTEL/R/2019/51011/1

You are requested to furnish following information/documents.
1. Whether the operator can provide the details of the customer without the consent of concerned user to other person...

11/21/2019 reply uploaded That the reply provided to me is misleading. Hence, request you to provide me proper reply for the same.
617 DOTEL/R/2019/51003

Please provide me the following information under RTI Act, 2005:
1. Copies of all the note sheets of the file number 24-1/2019-EW.
2. Copy of the Cabinet Secretariat Approval number 34...

11/19/2019 forwarding letter is enclosed herewith. Enclosure is being sent by dak.
618 DOTEL/R/2019/81060

Dear sir,
Please find attachement and give information acoording RTI ACT 2005

11/18/2019 reply uploaded
619 DOTEL/R/2019/50990

What amount of Paper is being used for KYC purposes despite Digital KYC process in place. Please specify yearly wastage of forest resources and mitigation plan.

11/16/2019 reply uploaded
620 DOTEL/R/2019/81052/1

pdf attached.

11/14/2019 Copy of Department of Telecommunications Letter No. 13-3/2000-Vig.III dated 01.03.2004.
