E.g., 07/01/2024
E.g., 07/01/2024
Sl.No. Text Of RTI Apllication View request doc Link Request Received Date Request Reply Doc Appeal Appeal reply
641 DOTEL/R/2019/80950

Kindly confirm that the CAF and CDR are of Mob No. are to be provided to the State/District security Agencies on demand in time by the licensors as stipulated at Para 11 of Instructions on...

10/21/2019 The instructions to the Telecom Service Providers in respect of providing of Subscriber Database, BTS Location, CDR and CAF have been given in para 11 of Deptt of Telecom instructions on the subject...
642 DOTEL/R/2019/80955/1

Provide me information about ways ,devices or technical procedures DOT uses to keep mobile phones and landline of citizens at surveillance .When mobile is just on and no phone call is being made...

10/21/2019 In this regard, it is intimated that no such information in respect of the the querries raised in your RTI application is available with this CPIO. Hence, the information may be treated as NIL
643 DOTEL/R/2019/80958

The Central Public Information Officer (CPIO)
Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI)

Dear Sir or Madam
1.The applicant had filed a complaint dated 06/10/2019 with Telecom...

10/21/2019 reply uploaded
644 DOTEL/R/2019/80954


I would like to know how many hectares of land BSNL or DoT land which are housing BSNL operations.

Thanks for your time and efforts.


10/21/2019 reply attached
645 DOTEL/R/2019/50891

This is Government Website, Not Working,

So I am Asking My All Questions via RTI

We are Planning to Purchase Two Walkie talkie for Security Guards and Gate...

10/18/2019 As per Indian Telegraphy Act 1885 and Indian Wireless Telegraphy Act 1933, Rule 4, a license to operate and possess any wireless equipment is required.
646 DOTEL/R/2019/80947/1

Kindly provide the information to the applicant directly for Sl.1 and Sl.2

1) all the note sheet copies and the correspondence of file no. 7-5/2009-Fin.

2) all the note sheet...

10/18/2019 for Sl No 1 & 2 information has already been sent to the applicant vide file no 2-2/2012-RTI.Fin(Pt-IV) dated 18/11/2019 and the information sent by speed post (ED915327729IN).
647 DOTEL/R/2019/80942

Your RTI application is being transferred under Section 6(3) of RTI Act, 2005 to Ministry of Home Affairs, New Delhi for providing part information, if any, directly to the applicant/ transferring...

10/17/2019 reply uploaded
648 DOTEL/R/2019/80941/7

This has reference to the above mentioned RTI application, dated 18.09.2019, received on RTI portal, seeking information under RTI act 2005. As the information sought by applicant is not available...

10/17/2019 This online application does not pertain to IFD, hence disposed.
649 DOTEL/R/2019/80938/1

Dear Sir and Madam
1 Is Aadhaar card is must for taking a new connection or to get a sim card change for an existing connection with a network provider.What can alternate proofs given for...

10/16/2019 reply uploaded
650 DOTEL/R/2019/50874/6

2.whether land assets of bsnl belongs to bsnl or dot.

10/13/2019 copy of Reply latter attached
