E.g., 07/01/2024
E.g., 07/01/2024
Sl.No. Text Of RTI Apllication View request doc Link Request Received Date Request Reply Doc Appeal Appeal reply
571 DOTEL/R/E/20/00060/1

Dear Sir
I am Airtel mobile user. I am asking for incoming call detail of my own no in my monthly statement bill. Firstly I was told that TRAI has prohibited telecoms co cannot provide. I...

01/15/2020 reply uploaded Dear Sir/ Madam Received reply from DOT regarding above mentioned RTI and TRAI has issued circular that Itemised bill should be provided to customer. security reason will breached when i will asked...

The information given by the CPIO in respect of the RTI Application is as follows : "(i) In respect of Call Details Record, it is intimated that as per Licensing Condition No.39.20 of the Licence Agreement for Unified License, all the Telecom Service Providers have to preserve the CDRs at least for one year for scrutiny by the licenser for security reasons. Licence Agreement of Unified License can be downloaded from the DoT Website from the following URL: http://dot.gov.in/sites/default/files/Unified%...

572 DOTEL/R/T/20/00047/3

Dear sir
please provide these information as requested to you
1 what is regulation for control and manage Telecom tower in India
2 how many distance should be between two tower...

01/14/2020 reply uploaded
573 DOTEL/R/E/20/00051/1

Kindly provide the following information in the form of Circulars/Notifications/Relevant Part of the User License Agreement/Unified License Agreement/Rules/Sub Rules/Standard Operating Procedure/...

01/13/2020 reply uploaded Dear Sir, I am constrained to file instant First Appeal because (a) the learned PIO has provided me the incomplete, misleading and vague reply on the information sought in the RTI Application. (b...

The information given by the CPIO in respect of the RTI application is as follows: At the outset, it is to mention that the information sought by you under Right to Information Act, 2005 pertains to creating information by drawing inference and/or making of assumptions or interpreting information for furnishing replies to hypothetical questions viz. “Which…...”, “What…..”, etc which do not fall under the definition of “Information” under section 2(f) of the RTI Act, 2005. Further, in terms of para 10 of the...

574 DOTEL/R/E/20/00038

1. Provide the total number of Internet shutdowns in India in the last 10 years.

2. Provide the yearwise total number of internet shutdowns in India in the last 10 years

3. Provide...

01/10/2020 reply uploaded The CPIO has provided incomplete & misleading information. Grounds for appeal 1. I had asked for data of the last 10 years and the new rules came into effect from 2017. Hence the old...

The information given by the CPIO in respect of the RTI Application pertaining to the RTI applicant is as follows: "(i) In order to streamline the process of internet shutdowns in the Country, the Department of Telecommunications notified “Temporary Suspension of Telecom Services (Public Emergency or Public Safety) Rules, 2017” on 07.08.2017. As per these rules, the directions for temporary suspension of telecom services, including internet services in an area, can either be issued by the Union Home Secretary in case of Central Government or the State Home...

575 DOTEL/R/E/20/00037

IF Certificate of Incorporation of a company carries old address and MCA Master Data download sheet carries new registered address of the company then such MCA Master Data download sheet along...

01/09/2020 reply uploaded
576 DOTEL/R/T/20/00031

Namaskar,I am a Blogger from Lucknow. My profession depends entirely on internet connectivity.There was an internet shutdown in Uttar Pradesh for nearly 5 days in December 2019.My business...

01/09/2020 reply uploaded
577 DOTEL/R/T/20/00040

I want to know that how many VOIP calls are routed to Indian mobile numbers and landline numbers from the IP address in the last three years. This IP is assigned to OPK E-services Pvt...

01/09/2020 In this regard, it is intimated that no such information in respect of the the querries raised in your RTI application is available with this CPIO. Hence, the information may be treated as NIL.
578 DOTEL/R/T/20/00030

Dear ,

We Need Answer Of Below Questions

1) Is Any Telecom Company Can Disconnect Any Working Number Of Any Customer Without Any Reason .

2) Can Telecom Company Activate That...

01/08/2020 reply uploaded
579 DOTEL/R/E/20/00012/2

Please provide the following information

(i) The minimum distance at which a mobile tower can be set up from a residential area & the guidelines pertaining to the same

01/03/2020 reply uploaded
580 DOTEL/R/T/20/00006/2

Kindly provide the following details regarding the installation of mobile towers.
(1)Latest advisory guidelines for state goverments(Gujarat state) for the issue of clearance for...

01/02/2020 reply uploaded
