E.g., 07/01/2024
E.g., 07/01/2024
Sl.No. Text Of RTI Apllication View request doc Link Request Received Date Request Reply Doc Appeal Appeal reply
561 DOTEL/R/T/20/00082/2

what are the guideline for setting up mobile tower

what are the guideline for setting up mobile tower in residential area

what should be the distance between one mobile tower to...

01/23/2020 reply uploaded
562 DOTEL/R/E/20/00087/3

Sub: Information Regarding - Installation of mobile antenna

Desc: Please provide the following information u/s 2(f), (i), (j) and 6(1) of the RTI Act 2005:br
1. Kindly mention the...

01/22/2020 reply uploaded
563 DOTEL/R/T/20/00079/4


01/22/2020 No information related to point No. 13 is available with this office.
564 DOTEL/R/T/20/00079/5


01/22/2020 In this regard, it is intimated that no such information in respect of the the querries raised in your RTI application is available with this CPIO. Hence, the information may be treated as NIL.
565 DOTEL/R/E/20/00090/1

What is the procedure of Hiding my caller id while making outgoing calls.

01/22/2020 The current guidelines regarding Caller Line Identification Restriction (CLIR) is available in Condition 8.6, Chapter VIII, in License Agreement for Unified License from the website dot.nic.in-...
566 DOTEL/R/T/20/00073/1

Kindly provide the following information in the form of Circulars/Notifications/Relevant Part of the User License Agreement/Unified License Agreement/Rules/Sub Rules/Standard Operating Procedure/...

01/21/2020 reply uploaded
567 DOTEL/R/T/20/00067/1

Time of retention of SMS & Call Conversion Data by Service Providers in India (like, Vodaphone. JIO, Airtel etc)

01/20/2020 In this regard, it is intimated that no such information in respect of the the querries raised in your RTI application is available with this CPIO. Hence, the information may be treated as NIL.
568 DOTEL/R/T/20/00065

सूचना का अधिकार 2005 की धारा 6(1) और 6(3) के अंतर्गत आवेदन

01/20/2020 In this regard, it is intimated that no such information in respect of the the querries raised in your RTI application is available with this CPIO. Hence, the information may be treated as NIL.
569 DOTEL/R/E/20/00065

I have been writing to this office regarding a refund of 2000 done on 17.05.2019 which was paid mistakenly. several times I have requested for refund of the same with supporting...

01/17/2020 1. It is informed that the procedure of refund of amounts wrongly paid to PAO(HQ), DoT is lengthy and time taking process, as it involves the amount verification process, financial sanction along... THE RTI HAS BEEN FILED ON 17.01.2020. ALREADY 117 DAYS HAS BEEN PASSED. I AM A RETIRED PENSIONER. WHAT MUCH DELAYED HARASSMENT I AM GOING TO SUFFER. A WRONG PAYMENT OF RS 2000 WAS MADE TO BHARATKOSH...

The reply of appeal is attached.

570 DOTEL/R/T/20/00052

Please provide state wise break up of internet shutdown imposed between January- December 2019

Please provide state-wise break up of dates on which internet shutdowns were imposed January-...

01/15/2020 reply uploaded
