Training on "Spectrum Management and Communication Technology ,islamic Republic of Iran from 15 July to 25 August 2013
Training course on "IPMAN and its Applications" scheduled to be held from 11-19 September,2013(09)at Shanghai,China
Training course on "ICT Convergence: Technologies & Services" organized Jointly by the ITU and the Pusan National University, Republic of Korea from 10-13 Septemper,2013. ITU
The training course on "Information Security and Computer Commmunication "scheduled to be held from 14-22 April,2014 at Nanjing ,Chinaon APT Fellowship
OLD Traininig Notification 4 programs from APT
Roles and Responsibilities
List of Members
Minutes of Oversight Committee Meeting held on 25-11-2014
Minutes of Oversight Committee Meeting held on 25-03-2014
Minutes of Oversight Committee Meeting held on 29-08-2013
