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Sl.No. Text Of RTI Apllication View request doc Link Request Received Date Request Reply Doc Appeal Appeal reply
1481 DOTEL/R/2017/50066

I would like to obtain information regarding the following issues:
1. Who has authorised/granted permission to Reliance Jio for taking Aadhar Card along with finger/thumb prints of...

01/23/2017 reply a text
1482 DOTEL/R/2017/80073

1. Kindly provide information about latest criteria considering person as a BPL.

2.Kindly provide information about professional tax payment system in case of Divyang People.


01/23/2017 Point no. 1&2: Not related to this CPIO. Point no. 3: Copy of instructions regarding issuance of mobile connections using Aadhaar based e-KYC can be downloaded from the link: http://dot.gov.in/...
1483 DOTEL/R/2017/80074

1. Kindly provide information about latest criteria considering person as a BPL.

2.Kindly provide information about professional tax payment system in case of Divyang People.


01/23/2017 Point no. 1&2: Not related to this CPIO. Point no. 3: Copy of instructions regarding issuance of mobile connections using Aadhaar based e-KYC can be downloaded from the link: http://dot.gov.in/...
1484 DOTEL/R/2017/50065

Sir, Please Provide the details and order of Revised Pay scale of Telegraph Man Dated 1/10/1996

01/22/2017 the information sought by you is not specific with no particular reference hence no such information could be located. However, you are advised to send more details so that the required information... 1) Scale of pay of Telegraphmen from 1/1/96 Rs 2750-70-3800-75-4400. 2) Revised pay of Telegraphmen w.e.f 10/10/97 Rs 3050-75-3950-80-4590. 3)OTBP Scale of Telegraphmen w.e.f 10/10/97...
1485 DOTEL/R/2017/80060

1. Kindly provide information about latest criteria considering person as a BPL.

2.Kindly provide information about professional tax payment system in case of Divyang People.


01/20/2017 Point no. 1&2: Not related to this CPIO. Point no. 3: Copy of instructions regarding issuance of mobile connections using Aadhaar based e-KYC can be downloaded from the link: http://dot.gov.in/...
1486 DOTEL/R/2017/80062

1. Kindly provide information about latest criteria considering person as a BPL.

2.Kindly provide information about professional tax payment system in case of Divyang People.


01/20/2017 Point no. 1&2: Not related to this CPIO. Point no. 3: Copy of instructions regarding issuance of mobile connections using Aadhaar based e-KYC can be downloaded from the link: http://dot.gov.in/...
1487 DOTEL/R/2017/80063

1. Kindly provide information about latest criteria considering person as a BPL.

2.Kindly provide information about professional tax payment system in case of Divyang People.


01/20/2017 Point no. 1&2: Not related to this CPIO. Point no. 3: Copy of instructions regarding issuance of mobile connections using Aadhaar based e-KYC can be downloaded from the link: http://dot.gov.in/...
1488 DOTEL/R/2017/80066

1. Kindly provide information about latest criteria considering person as a BPL.

2.Kindly provide information about professional tax payment system in case of Divyang People.


01/20/2017 Point no. 1&2: Not related to this CPIO. Point no. 3: Copy of instructions regarding issuance of mobile connections using Aadhaar based e-KYC can be downloaded from the link: http://dot.gov.in/...
1489 DOTEL/R/2017/80065

1. Kindly provide information about latest criteria considering person as a BPL.

2.Kindly provide information about professional tax payment system in case of Divyang People.


01/20/2017 Point no. 1&2: Not related to this CPIO. Point no. 3: Copy of instructions regarding issuance of mobile connections using Aadhaar based e-KYC can be downloaded from the link: http://dot.gov.in/...
1490 DOTEL/R/2017/90001

Point No.2 & 3

