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E.g., 06/29/2024
Sl.No. Text Of RTI Apllication View request doc Link Request Received Date Request Reply Doc Appeal Appeal reply
1441 DOTEL/R/2017/50148

File No-BS/RTI/2017/25 Dated-26/02/2017


Shri Benoy Chaudhary
Deputy Secretary Admin-II
Third Floor, Sanchar Bhawan
Ashoka Road New Delhi

02/26/2017 RTI was disposed of and reply was given on 22-03-2017. Please find attached a copy of reply
1442 DOTEL/R/2017/50154/7

I am attaching written application for RTI. I request you that please see attached RTI application and do needful. Kindly communicate with me in Hindi language only. I will be eternally grateful...

1443 DOTEL/R/2017/50153/7

I am attaching written application for RTI. I request you that please see attached RTI application and do needful. Kindly communicate with me in Hindi language only. I will be eternally grateful...

1444 DOTEL/R/2017/50153/3

I am attaching written application for RTI. I request you that please see attached RTI application and do needful. Kindly communicate with me in Hindi language only. I will be eternally grateful...

02/26/2017 information is in pdf
1445 DOTEL/R/2017/50154/1

I am attaching written application for RTI. I request you that please see attached RTI application and do needful. Kindly communicate with me in Hindi language only. I will be eternally grateful...

02/26/2017 RTI was disposed of and reply was given on 31-03-2017. please find attached a copy of reply.
1446 DOTEL/R/2017/50152/1

I am attaching written application for RTI. I request you that please see attached RTI application and do needful. Kindly communicate with me in Hindi language only. I will be eternally grateful...

02/26/2017 RTI was disposed of and reply was given on 31-03-2017. Please find attached a copy of reply. I am filing this first appeal under RTI Act, 2005. I request you that please do needful in this first appeal. Kindly communicate with me in Hindi language only. I will be eternally grateful to you...

Appellate order in Hindi is attached.

1447 DOTEL/R/2017/50152/7

I am attaching written application for RTI. I request you that please see attached RTI application and do needful. Kindly communicate with me in Hindi language only. I will be eternally grateful...

1448 DOTEL/R/2017/50150

File No-BS/RTI/2017/26 Dated-26/02/2017

Shri Benoy Chaudhary
Deputy Secretary Admin-II
Third Floor, Sanchar Bhawan
Ashoka Road New Delhi

02/26/2017 RTI was disposed of and reply was given on 22-03-2017. Please find attached a copy of reply
1449 DOTEL/R/2017/50153/1

I am attaching written application for RTI. I request you that please see attached RTI application and do needful. Kindly communicate with me in Hindi language only. I will be eternally grateful...

02/26/2017 RTI was disposed of and reply was given on 31-03-2017. Please find attached a copy of reply.
1450 DOTEL/R/2017/50151

File No- BS/RTI/2017/27 Dated-27/02/2017


Shri Benoy Chaudhary
Deputy Secretary Admin-II
Third Floor, Sanchar Bhawan
Ashoka Road New Delhi

02/26/2017 RTI was disposed of and reply was given on 31-03-2017. Please find attached a copy of reply.
