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Sl.No. Text Of RTI Apllication View request doc Link Request Received Date Request Reply Doc Appeal Appeal reply
1491 DOTEL/R/2017/80061

1. Kindly provide information about latest criteria considering person as a BPL.

2.Kindly provide information about professional tax payment system in case of Divyang People.


01/20/2017 Point no. 1&2: Not related to this CPIO. Point no. 3: Copy of instructions regarding issuance of mobile connections using Aadhaar based e-KYC can be downloaded from the link: http://dot.gov.in/...
1492 DOTEL/R/2017/80064

1. Kindly provide information about latest criteria considering person as a BPL.

2.Kindly provide information about professional tax payment system in case of Divyang People.


01/20/2017 Point no. 1&2: Not related to this CPIO. Point no. 3: Copy of instructions regarding issuance of mobile connections using Aadhaar based e-KYC can be downloaded from the link: http://dot.gov.in/...
1493 DOTEL/R/2017/80057

Dear sir, (Late) Tapan Kumar Mukherjee was supposed to receive the increased pension due to the latest pay commission decision. He was also supposed to get the arrear due to him from the agreed...

01/19/2017 The information sought by the applicant is not available in Establishment Branch of DoT and pertains to Dr. Preeti Mahto, Jt. CCA & CPIO, West Bengal Telecom Circle, Kolkata as the PPO No. WB/TA/... Dear Sir or Maam The request that I submitted has been disposed of I understand that disposal means the request has been completed with all information duly provided to the applicant I had one issue...
1494 DOTEL/R/2017/80050

1. Kindly provide information about latest criteria considering person as a BPL.

2.Kindly provide information about professional tax payment system in case of Divyang People.


01/18/2017 Point no. 1&2: Not related to this CPIO. Point no. 3: Copy of instructions regarding issuance of mobile connections using Aadhaar based e-KYC can be downloaded from the link: http://dot.gov.in/...
1495 DOTEL/R/2017/80044

1. Kindly provide information about latest criteria considering person as a BPL.

2.Kindly provide information about professional tax payment system in case of Divyang People.


01/18/2017 Point no. 1&2: Not related to this CPIO. Point no. 3: Copy of instructions regarding issuance of mobile connections using Aadhaar based e-KYC can be downloaded from the link: http://dot.gov.in/...
1496 DOTEL/R/2017/80043

1. Kindly provide information about latest criteria considering person as a BPL.

2.Kindly provide information about professional tax payment system in case of Divyang People.


01/18/2017 Point no. 1&2: Not related to this CPIO. Point no. 3: Copy of instructions regarding issuance of mobile connections using Aadhaar based e-KYC can be downloaded from the link: http://dot.gov.in/...
1497 DOTEL/R/2017/80056

1. Kindly provide information about latest criteria considering person as a BPL.

2.Kindly provide information about professional tax payment system in case of Divyang People.


01/18/2017 Point no. 1&2: Not related to this CPIO. Point no. 3: Copy of instructions regarding issuance of mobile connections using Aadhaar based e-KYC can be downloaded from the link: http://dot.gov.in/...
1498 DOTEL/R/2017/80049

1. Kindly provide information about latest criteria considering person as a BPL.

2.Kindly provide information about professional tax payment system in case of Divyang People.


01/18/2017 Point no. 1&2: Not related to this CPIO. Point no. 3: Copy of instructions regarding issuance of mobile connections using Aadhaar based e-KYC can be downloaded from the link: http://dot.gov.in/...
1499 DOTEL/R/2017/80046

1. Kindly provide information about latest criteria considering person as a BPL.

2.Kindly provide information about professional tax payment system in case of Divyang People.


01/18/2017 Point no. 1&2: Not related to this CPIO. Point no. 3: Copy of instructions regarding issuance of mobile connections using Aadhaar based e-KYC can be downloaded from the link: http://dot.gov.in/...
1500 DOTEL/R/2017/80052

1. Kindly provide information about latest criteria considering person as a BPL.

2.Kindly provide information about professional tax payment system in case of Divyang People.


01/18/2017 Point no. 1&2: Not related to this CPIO Point no. 3: Copy of instructions regarding issuance of mobile connections using Aadhaar based e-KYC can be downloaded from the link: http://dot.gov.in/...
