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Sl.No. Text Of RTI Apllication View request doc Link Request Received Date Request Reply Doc Appeal Appeal reply
1471 DOTEL/R/2017/50081/3

Department of Telecommunication (DOT)
Subject: Request for Information under Right to Information Act 2005.
I Mukesh Pruthi, resident of HNO 186,...

01/29/2017 information is in pdf To CPIO Department of Telecommunication (DOT) NewDelhi Subject: Request for Information under Right to Information Act 2005. I Mukesh Pruthi, resident of HNO 186, sector PLA, Kaimri Road, Hisar wish...

Appeal disposed off. Decision attached.

1472 DOTEL/R/2017/50081/7

Department of Telecommunication (DOT)
Subject: Request for Information under Right to Information Act 2005.
I Mukesh Pruthi, resident of HNO 186,...

01/29/2017 IN this regard, it is informed that no such information is available in the sections under the control of this CPIO. However, it is observed that the same RTI application ha also been forwarded to...
1473 DOTEL/R/2017/50069


I need clarification in terms of using VoIP for business (both in SMB & Enterprise segments) in India. As per the information available in internet there are lot of...

01/25/2017 replya text
1474 DOTEL/R/2017/80075

1. Kindly provide information about latest criteria considering person as a BPL.

2.Kindly provide information about professional tax payment system in case of Divyang People.


01/24/2017 Point no. 1&2: Not related to this CPIO Point no. 3: Copy of instructions regarding issuance of mobile connections using Aadhaar based e-KYC can be downloaded from the link: http://dot.gov.in/...
1475 DOTEL/R/2017/80077

1. Kindly provide information about latest criteria considering person as a BPL.

2.Kindly provide information about professional tax payment system in case of Divyang People.


01/24/2017 Point no. 1&2: Not related to this CPIO Point no. 3: Copy of instructions regarding issuance of mobile connections using Aadhaar based e-KYC can be downloaded from the link: http://dot.gov.in/...
1476 DOTEL/R/2017/80076

1. Kindly provide information about latest criteria considering person as a BPL.

2.Kindly provide information about professional tax payment system in case of Divyang People.


01/24/2017 Point no. 1&2: Not related to this CPIO Point no. 3: Copy of instructions regarding issuance of mobile connections using Aadhaar based e-KYC can be downloaded from the link: http://dot.gov.in/...
1477 DOTEL/R/2017/80078

1. Kindly provide information about latest criteria considering person as a BPL.

2.Kindly provide information about professional tax payment system in case of Divyang People.


01/24/2017 Point no. 1&2: Not related to this CPIO Point no. 3: Copy of instructions regarding issuance of mobile connections using Aadhaar based e-KYC can be downloaded from the link: http://dot.gov.in/...
1478 DOTEL/R/2017/80068

1. Kindly provide information about latest criteria considering person as a BPL.

2.Kindly provide information about professional tax payment system in case of Divyang People.


01/23/2017 Point no. 1&2: Not related to this CPIO. Point no. 3: Copy of instructions regarding issuance of mobile connections using Aadhaar based e-KYC can be downloaded from the link: http://dot.gov.in/...
1479 DOTEL/R/2017/80071/1

1 Please supply copy note sheet of cadre review of IPTAFS in Ministry of Communications
2 Please supply copy note sheet of 2nd cadre review of ITS in Ministry of Communications

1480 DOTEL/R/2017/80072

1. Kindly provide information about latest criteria considering person as a BPL.

2.Kindly provide information about professional tax payment system in case of Divyang People.


01/23/2017 Point no. 1&2: Not related to this CPIO. Point no. 3: Copy of instructions regarding issuance of mobile connections using Aadhaar based e-KYC can be downloaded from the link: http://dot.gov.in/...
