Work Allocation of DDG(Accounts)
(a) Accounting:
(i) Accounting matter of DoT.
(ii) Coordinate with Pr. CCA/CCA offices w.r.t. all accounting matters.
(iii) Compilation of Accounts from all units of DoT and its submission to office of Controller General of Accounts, Ministry of Finance.
(iv) DDO function and maintenance of Cash Book for DoT HQ.
(v) Preparation of Pay Bill and allied works for DoT HQ.
(vi) Coordination & implementation of PFMS.
(b) Banking:
(i) Banking Arrangement of DoT and its units.
(c) Pension
(i) Issue of PPOs to pensioners of DoT HQ, WPC & WMO.
(ii) Maintenance of LS&PC of the incumbents of DoT on deputation to PSUs.
(iii) Monitoring of pension payment of MTNL, C.S.O retirees and revision cases.
(d) GPF:
(i) Maintenance of GPF of employees of DoT, WPC & WMO.
(ii) Monitoring/Implementation of Direct Payment of GPF by Pr. CCA/CCA Offices to BSNL employees.
(iii)Nodal wing for issuing guidelines and policy in matter of GPF, Accounting for DoT.
(e) Digital Financial Unit:
(i) Review of SWR (State of Work Reports).
(ii) Development and customization of all accounting application e.g. Pension, GPF, SWR.
(f) Digital Payments:
(i) Coordinating & implementation of Accounting Applications - PFMS, NTRP, CDDO.
(ii) Coordination and implementation of NTRP(Bharat Kosh) w.e.f. 01.01.2017.
(iii)Nodal wing for monitoring of Digital Payment for Telecom Sector.
(iv) Monitoring of “Help Desk” for attending & resolving queries of PFMS/NTRP at DoT HQ.
(g) Internal Audit & Audit Coordination:
(i) Coordination & Monitoring of report of IA (Field units) sent by CGCA.
(ii) Settlement of Part II-B objection of DG, P&T Audit.
(iii) Audit coordination for DoT HQ, PSUs.
(iv) Matters relating to coordination of Draft Audit Paras, CAG Paras, PAC Paras/Reports received from O/o DG Audit (P&T) O/o CAG of India and Lok Sabha Sectt. with the nodal wings of Department of Telecom.
(v) Coordination with Monitoring cell and Lok Sabha Sectt. for settlement of P&T Paras and commercial paras respectively.
(vi) Coordination with PAC Branch (Lok Sabha Sectt.) for the settlement of PAC Paras/Reports.
(vii) Submission of quarterly monitoring statement of pendency of Audit/PAC/COPU/DAP cases to Digital Communication Commission.
(h) Other Miscellaneous:
(i) Monitoring and implementation of New Pension System for all DoT Units.
(ii) Issue of verification of Service Certificate to employees of DoT HQ, WPC &WMO.
(iii) RTI and appeal cases for related matters of Accounts.
(iv) Related VIP references, Parliament Questions and JPC for DoT.
(v) Updating of Court cases on E-Samiksha web based (Where the cabinet Secretary is Respondent).
(vi) Administration and staff matters.

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