E.g., 07/01/2024
E.g., 07/01/2024
Sl.No. Text Of RTI Apllication View request doc Link Request Received Date Request Reply Doc Appeal Appeal reply
951 DOTEL/R/2018/90033

Point no 1(a) of RTI Application has been transferred to DoT vide letter no. 10-2/2016-UIDAI (DBT) dated 6.4.18 under section 6(3) of the RTI Act 2005. NB: Point nos. 2, 3 and 4 have been...

04/16/2018 reply uploded
952 DOTEL/R/2018/50311/4

There is inordinate delay in rendering financial advice by IP&TAFS officers in Department of Telecom especially with respect to the proposals pertaining to ITS officers. Further, the...

04/15/2018 As per PDF attached. Enclosures are being sent by post.
953 DOTEL/R/2018/50311

There is inordinate delay in rendering financial advice by IP&TAFS officers in Department of Telecom especially with respect to the proposals pertaining to ITS officers. Further, the...

04/15/2018 Sir, enclosed herewith is reply to your RTI application for information and further appeal, if any, please.
954 DOTEL/R/2018/90032

for points on query related to SIM card.

04/13/2018 reply uploaded
955 DOTEL/R/2018/80245

for points on query related to Bank Account and Life Insurance Policy.

04/13/2018 reply uploaded
956 DOTEL/R/2018/80242

RTI Application for obtaining information under Section 6 (1) of the RTI Act 2005

The Public Information Officer,
Telecom Regularity Authority of India


04/13/2018 reply uploaded
957 DOTEL/R/2018/80237

I am a citizen of India by birth and requested to please supply the following information.

1. Please supply the ruling regarding payment of leave encashment in respect of external...

04/11/2018 As per PDF attached. The enclosure is being sent by post.
958 DOTEL/R/2018/80236

is there any provision of subimit of income certificate while applying of compassionate appointment in DOP or DOT...if so give the details..and the respected of DOP&T clearly...

04/11/2018 Sir, enclosed herewith is reply to your RTI application for information and further appeal, if any, please
959 DOTEL/R/2018/80236/7

is there any provision of subimit of income certificate while applying of compassionate appointment in DOP or DOT...if so give the details..and the respected of DOP&T clearly...

04/11/2018 As per PDF attached.
960 DOTEL/R/2018/80236/4

is there any provision of subimit of income certificate while applying of compassionate appointment in DOP or DOT...if so give the details..and the respected of DOP&T clearly...

04/11/2018 Information is in pdf.
