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Sl.No. Text Of RTI Apllication View request doc Link Request Received Date Request Reply Doc Appeal Appeal reply
921 DOTEL/R/2018/80291

We need information regarding Issue of Mobile Phone SIM card that is Subscriber Identity Module Card
1. How many cards any Indian can keep or issued to him or her
2. What is the...

05/04/2018 reply uploaded Dear sir, thanks for the reply but the information furnished are missing some points Minimum and maximum age of owning SIM card is not informed an individual can have 9 sim cards across different...
922 DOTEL/R/2018/80292/1

Dear sir,
We want to know that
Is it essential to link AADHAR CARD with SIM card,
If yes, then what is the legal basis
If yes, then what is the penalty of such violation...

05/04/2018 reply uploaded
923 DOTEL/R/2018/80292

Dear sir,
We want to know that
Is it essential to link AADHAR CARD with SIM card,
If yes, then what is the legal basis
If yes, then what is the penalty of such violation...

05/04/2018 reply uploaded Dear sir Thanks for the reply and providing me an opportunity to get deficit number of SIM cards can be attached with one aadhar card my one relative comes from abroad who want SIM card then...
924 DOTEL/R/2018/90037

We have transferred all queries of the application to Department of Telecommunications (DoT), Ministry of Communications, Government of India under Section 6 (3) of the RTI Act, 2005. You may...

05/04/2018 reply uploaded
925 DOTEL/R/2018/80279

Kindly provide copy of norms to issue duplicate sim card by private telecom service providers (Airtel) to customers

Provide the list of documents required by telecom operators while issuing...

05/02/2018 reply uploaded
926 DOTEL/R/2018/50356

Please provide the list of following officers and their place of posting as on 01.05.2018:
1. Junoir Telecom Officers
2. Assistant Directors, TES Group B
3. Junior Telecom...

05/02/2018 Sir, enclosed herewith is reply to your RTI application for information and further appeal, if any, please. With regard to Serial No. 3 of Reply vide letter No. 1-53/2018-STG.II dated 16.05.2018, information regarding posting of JTOs under Assistant Directors is not provided. Therefore, it is humbly...
927 DOTEL/R/2018/50355

The following information be in quest of under RTI act 2005
1.Declaration of Assets & Liabilities by Mr. Ashok Kumar Singh ITS (staff no-21144) presently posted as GM(West) MTNL-DELHI,...

05/01/2018 Sir, enclosed herewith is reply to your RTI application. RTI Act2005 violation by CPIO in compos mentis 1.CPIO did not transfer the application to other Public authority/CPIO with in 5 days of receipt. 2.on-line registration details pertaining to other...
928 DOTEL/R/2018/80277

RTI is transferred u/s 6(3) of RTI 2005 for providing information, pertaining to your Department, directly to the applicant.

05/01/2018 reply uploaded
929 DOTEL/R/2018/50350/1

1. Have you authorized any of your officials to visit Paramount Floraville, GH 6, Sector 137, Noida 201304 (UP) in the coming months to speak to residents here on the subject of Mobile Tower,...

04/30/2018 Written reply was sent to the applicant dated 24.05.2018. My query under serial number 1 was very specific, kindly provide with the specific answer only, viz. name, designation of the official and copy of authority letter given to him. 1. Have you...
930 DOTEL/R/2018/80274


04/27/2018 Sir, enclosed herewith is reply to your RTI application for information and further appeal, if any, please
