E.g., 07/01/2024
E.g., 07/01/2024
Sl.No. Text Of RTI Apllication View request doc Link Request Received Date Request Reply Doc Appeal Appeal reply
911 DOTEL/R/2018/50384

Kindly supply the document of Decision and hearing of National Commission of Scheduled Caste, as mentioned in DoT order No. 100-5/2016-STG-I (Pt.) dated 10 April 2018, in case of leave encashment...

05/10/2018 Sir, enclosed herewith is reply to your RTI application for information and further appeal, if any, please. Enclosures are being sent by post.
912 DOTEL/R/2018/50380/6

The Public Information Officer,
Dept. Of Telecommunication,
New Delhi
Subject: Subject : Request for Information under Right to Information Act, 2005.

05/09/2018 Sir, enclosed herewith is reply to your RTI application for information and further appeal, if any, please.
913 DOTEL/R/2018/50379

I the employee of Unity Telecom Infrastructure Ltd.as an IP1 licence holder ( copy attached).
Have our mobile infrastructure installed on lat long 18.571048/73.764068, orchid hotel pune,...

05/09/2018 Written reply was sent to the applicant dated 31.05.2018.
914 DOTEL/R/2018/50380/4

The Public Information Officer,
Dept. Of Telecommunication,
New Delhi
Subject: Subject : Request for Information under Right to Information Act, 2005.

05/09/2018 As per PDF attached.
915 DOTEL/R/2018/50371/5

The Public Information officer
Ministry of Telecommunications

Date 7.5.2018

Provide RTI information according to RTI act 2005.
If needed transfer...

05/07/2018 as per pdf attached.
916 DOTEL/R/2018/50371/2

The Public Information officer
Ministry of Telecommunications

Date 7.5.2018

Provide RTI information according to RTI act 2005.
If needed transfer...

05/07/2018 information is in pdf
917 DOTEL/R/2018/50371/7

The Public Information officer
Ministry of Telecommunications

Date 7.5.2018

Provide RTI information according to RTI act 2005.
If needed transfer...

05/07/2018 Sir, enclosed herewith is reply to your RTI application for information and further appeal, if any, please.
918 DOTEL/R/2018/50368

dear sir
i need information as mention below
1.how many cases are filed in last 5 years against cellular companies for replace a sim card on forgery documents
2.and in case of...

05/06/2018 reply uploaded dear sir can you tell me why my request is dispose off. and i need information because of i am an victim of cyber fraud. if you are not provide us this details then what we can expect from govt as a...
919 DOTEL/R/2018/80288/1

1. Kindly provide guidelines for setting up new mobile tower in residential area in city.
2.Is there any periodic inspection of functional mobile towers done by government agency/third party...

05/04/2018 Written reply was sent to the applicant dated 24.05.2018.
920 DOTEL/R/2018/80289

What is the last date to link mobile number with the Aadhaar card

05/04/2018 reply uploaded
