E.g., 07/01/2024
E.g., 07/01/2024
Sl.No. Text Of RTI Apllication View request doc Link Request Received Date Request Reply Doc Appeal Appeal reply
991 DOTEL/R/2018/50250/2

In reference to National Telecom Policy 2012 point 5.5 that is

To mandate for mapping and submission of information of the infrastructure assets on the standards based inter-operable GIS...

03/24/2018 No such information is available with this CPIO
992 DOTEL/R/2018/50250

In reference to National Telecom Policy 2012 point 5.5 that is

To mandate for mapping and submission of information of the infrastructure assets on the standards based inter-operable GIS...

03/24/2018 Written reply was sent to the applicant dated 20.04.2018. In reference to my RTI DOTEL/R/2018/50250, they are not able to provide information based on National Telecom Policy 2012 point 5.5. They responded to my below RTI with response saying that...

Please see the attached Appeal Order.

993 DOTEL/R/2018/50250/5

In reference to National Telecom Policy 2012 point 5.5 that is

To mandate for mapping and submission of information of the infrastructure assets on the standards based inter-operable GIS...

03/24/2018 reply uploaded In reference to my RTI DOTEL/R/2018/50250, they are not able to provide information based on National Telecom Policy 2012 point 5.5. They responded to my below RTI with the response saying that...
994 DOTEL/R/2018/80198

Sir I belong to Nepal and currently studying in collage and on the basis of collage I got a simple card ie 9728578823 and now it is mandate to verify with addhar now otherwise connection will be...

03/23/2018 reply uploaded
995 DOTEL/R/2018/90026

We are transferring first query in the captioned RIA to Department of Telecommunications, Ministry of Communications, GoI under Section 6 (3) of the RTI Act, 2005. You may provide a suitable reply...

03/23/2018 reply uploaded
996 DOTEL/R/2018/80196/1

Respected Sir
I Ram Saran s/o Balbir singh resident of khatod , Distt.- Mahendergarh , Haryana , 123029. Your company (airtel) has installed a tower on my land without my permission. I have...

03/22/2018 Written reply was sent to the applicant dated 06.04.2018.
997 DOTEL/R/2018/80193

1. Please provide the process through which the Aadhar linked account like bank account, Insurance policy, mobile number & etc (any other account where aadhar number is used) can be obtained...

03/22/2018 reply uploaded
998 DOTEL/R/2018/80195/1

Please do me, Harish Goyal, not the street Under the Right to Information Act, 2005, the following information should be given to the mobile tower installed at address 12, Phase 4, Man...

03/22/2018 Written reply was sent to the applicant dated 06.04.2018. Sir, Please do me, Harish Goyal, not the street Under the Right to Information Act, 2005, the following information should be given to the mobile tower installed at address 12, Phase 4, Man 33 Fit...

Please see that attached Appeal Order.

999 DOTEL/R/2018/50242/1

Respected Sir
I Ram Saran s/o Balbir singh resident of khatod , Distt.- Mahendergarh , Haryana , 123029. Your company (airtel) has installed a tower on my land without my permission. I have...

03/21/2018 Written reply was sent to the applicant dated 06.04.2018.
1000 DOTEL/R/2018/50243

Please furnish the following information under RTI Act 2005.

1) Whether order of revision of pension of Pre-2016 CDA Pensioner of DOT - Case of Shri RAj KUMAR TYAGI No. 2-4/PC-17314/PRPPO-...

03/21/2018 As per PDF attached.
