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Sl.No. Text Of RTI Apllication View request doc Link Request Received Date Request Reply Doc Appeal Appeal reply
1281 DOTEL/R/2017/50569/1

I am holding BSNL Mobile Number in my Name. I have filed an RTI application seeking CDR of my mobile number in LEA format for the period from 12.5.2017 to 16.5.2017 with BSNL. The PIO has refused...

08/21/2017 The information sought by you in respect of your querries is not available with this CPIO. Hence the information may be treated as NIL.
1282 DOTEL/R/2017/50563

Respected sir,
I would like to state that
(1)I am BSNL (Gujarat Circle) retired employee. I am getting pension from Department of Telecommunication. I have taken Voluntary Retirement...

08/20/2017 The information sought by the applicant is not available in Establishment Branch of DoT and pertains to O/o CCA, Gujarat Circle, hence the instant applications has been transferred to O/oCCA,Gujarat...
1283 DOTEL/R/2017/50560/1

1.In what cases the department of telecommunication may make order for removal of mobile tower from residential colony.
2. What are the grounds which may be appropriate for the removal of...

08/19/2017 Written reply was sent to the applicant dated 28.08.2017.
1284 DOTEL/R/2017/50558/6

Online RTI

08/18/2017 Full information provided vide order dated 19.09.2017.
1285 DOTEL/R/2017/50557

1 Is aadhaar mandatory to obtain a new cellular telephone connection and continue existing cellular telephone service

2 If yes, under which law Department of Telecommunication has right...

08/18/2017 reply annexed
1286 DOTEL/R/2017/50558/7

Online RTI

08/18/2017 it is informed that no such information sought in your rti is available in the sections under the control of this CPIO. however, it is observed that the same RTI application has already been...
1287 DOTEL/R/2017/50558/4

Online RTI

08/18/2017 Information is in pdf
1288 DOTEL/R/2017/50558/1

Online RTI

08/18/2017 Replied vide this Office letter No- 33-01/2017-SEA-I(Part-II) dated-26.09.2017
1289 DOTEL/R/2017/80462/7

I am a citizen of India and entitled to seek information under RTI Act., 2005. Please provide me following information through e-mail and speed post in respect of 37 Ministries/...

08/17/2017 It is informed that no such information is available in the sections under control of this CPIO. however, it is observed that the same RTI application has also been forwarded to other concerned...
1290 DOTEL/R/2017/80462/6

I am a citizen of India and entitled to seek information under RTI Act., 2005. Please provide me following information through e-mail and speed post in respect of 37 Ministries/...

08/17/2017 full information provided vide order dated 19.09.2017.
