E.g., 06/30/2024
E.g., 06/30/2024
Sl.No. Text Of RTI Apllication View request doc Link Request Received Date Request Reply Doc Appeal Appeal reply
1251 DOTEL/R/2017/50635

I am Using mobile phone services provided by the Following Private companies. 1. Airtel 2. Vodafone. i received sms from both the companies to link my aadhar detail with the mobile number using my...

09/12/2017 reply a text
1252 DOTEL/R/2017/80513

As per Honorable Supreme Court, No one is compelled to link an Aadhaar to avail Mobile services. Furthermore, the use of Aadhaar for linking to other databases, retention, storage or publishing is...

09/12/2017 reply a text
1253 DOTEL/R/2017/80513/1

As per Honorable Supreme Court, No one is compelled to link an Aadhaar to avail Mobile services. Furthermore, the use of Aadhaar for linking to other databases, retention, storage or publishing is...

09/12/2017 reply a text
1254 DOTEL/R/2017/50636

Kindly provide following information on Mail in public interest:
1. Terms and conditions of absorption of JTO/SDE of DOT in BSNL at the time of formation of BSNL
2. Pl furnish the...

09/12/2017 Sir, enclosed herewith is reply to your RTI application for information and further appeal, if any, please. The enclosures to the reply are being sent by post.
1255 DOTEL/R/2017/80507

please download attachments...........................

09/11/2017 The information sought by you in your querries is not available with this CPIO. Hence the information may be treated as NIL.
1256 DOTEL/R/2017/80509

Right To Information Question Attached.

09/11/2017 reply a text Appeal Under Right To Information Act 19 (1) Attached .
1257 DOTEL/R/2017/80511

I want following information under Rti act 2005 :
(1) As Supreme court verdicts adhar card is not a mandatory document. how the mobile service provider makes adhar card manadtory for a sim...

09/11/2017 reply a text
1258 DOTEL/R/2017/50626


My request for information, under RTI Act-2005 may please be seen in the attached file.
Necessary fee is paid on line.


09/08/2017 Does not pertains to Establishment wing. Hence, Transferred to Jt. CC, Karnataka for providing information directly to you.
1259 DOTEL/R/2017/80498


Sub: Information under RTI act 2005

I am Indian citizen and need following information

1. Please furnish the total number of...

09/06/2017 As the desired information is not available is not available in Establishment Branch of DoT and is related to CCA, MH Circle the instant application is transferred to Jt.CCA, Maharashtra Telecom...
1260 DOTEL/R/2017/80497


Sub: Information under RTI act 2005

I am Indian citizen and need following information

1. Please furnish the total number of pension cases not...

09/06/2017 As the desired information is not available in EstablishmentBranch of DoT and is related to CCA, MH Circle and CCA, Karnataka Circle the instant application is transferred to Jt.CCA, Maharashtra...
