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Sl.No. Text Of RTI Apllication View request doc Link Request Received Date Request Reply Doc Appeal Appeal reply
1211 DOTEL/R/2017/50798

The Public Information Officer

Sub: Request for information under Section-6(1) of RTI Act.

Respected Central Public Information Officer,

Please provide us the below...

11/05/2017 reply uploaded
1212 DOTEL/R/2017/50790

Dear Sir/Madam,

Kindly confirm, as per the texts recieved by the telecom operators , is it mandatory to link Aadhaar number to the respective mobile number of an individual.

If yes,...

11/02/2017 reply uploaded
1213 DOTEL/R/2017/50789/1

I am a resident of Savitry Greens II , Gazipur Road, MC Zirakpur, Tehsil Derabasssi, District SAS Nagar, Punjab 140603. In our Society there are three Mobile towers which are installed by the...

11/02/2017 Written reply was sent to the applicant dated 14.11.2017.
1214 DOTEL/R/2017/90034

RTI Application is transferred to Dept of telecom under section 6(3) of RTI Act, 2005. Kindly reply to the requestor by speed post.

11/02/2017 reply uploaded
1215 DOTEL/R/2017/50785

Please refer to your RTI I reply No 47-28/2017Pen(T) dated 24 August 2017. A copy of letter of communication dated 1.2.2017 of Sri M V Rao, Senior Central Government Panel Counsel Benguluru as...

11/01/2017 The information sought is not available in Establishment Wing. hence, your physical application has been transferred to CCA (Bihar) on 12.12.2017 for providing information directly to you.
1216 DOTEL/R/2017/50787


11/01/2017 Written reply was sent to the applicant dated 10.11.2017.
1217 DOTEL/R/2017/80643

Dear Sir/Madam,
I want answers for the following questions.

Q1. On what premises does telecom operators are asking me to link Aadhar card to my associated mobile number. Were there...

10/31/2017 reply uploaded
1218 DOTEL/R/2017/90032

Information pertaining to linking of mobile numbers with Aadhaar Number

10/31/2017 reply uploaded
1219 DOTEL/R/2017/50710/1

Please provide the following information:

1) Please inform the number of mobile numbers/ connections can be possessed on one name as per record.
2)Does it apply to one service...

10/09/2017 reply atext
1220 DOTEL/R/2017/80583

Is it mandatory to link mobile number with Aadhaar Card

If yes, pl send the Government of India Order, OM, Notification for this purpose

10/04/2017 reply a text
