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E.g., 06/30/2024
Sl.No. Text Of RTI Apllication View request doc Link Request Received Date Request Reply Doc Appeal Appeal reply
1171 DOTEL/R/2017/50857

I would like to seek the following information under the RTI Act
1.How much of my Aadhar information can private telecom companies access if I link my mobile number with Aadhar

11/28/2017 reply uploaded
1172 DOTEL/R/2017/80713

With the information related to the fraud online transactions in banking account and proper redressal of it I seek the following information:

1. Is it necessary to link Adhar Number with...

11/27/2017 reply uploaded
1173 DOTEL/R/2017/50852

1) What are the requirements for installing a cell (mobile) tower in rural areas ,complete information with G.O copies
2) What are the requirements for installing a cell (mobile) tower in...

11/25/2017 Written reply was sent to the applicant dated 20.12.2017.
1174 DOTEL/R/2017/50849

I would like to know that for linking aadhar card with mobile number whether need to give thump impression to mobile service providers. Bank account and gas connection are linked with aadhar...

11/24/2017 reply uplaoded
1175 DOTEL/R/2017/50845

Respected Sir/Madam

I want to know how much tentative/final vacancy are there in M/O COMMUNICATION & IT (DEPARTMENT OF TELECOMMUNICATION) for SSC Stenographer 2017.


11/23/2017 RTI was disposed of and reply was given on 12-12-2017. Please find attached a copy of reply
1176 DOTEL/R/2017/50843

Respected sir

The information related to under Secretary STP, pension section, DOT (HQ) Sanchar bhawan NEW DELHI office.
kindly provided following information

1.Please provided...

11/23/2017 It is stated that representation dated 2.10.2017 aloingwith the representation dated 19.11.2017 of Smt. Prabhawati W/o Late K D Maurya, Ex. SDE, OFC (NTR), BSNL Jaunpur regarding payment/ sanction of...
1177 DOTEL/R/2017/50841

Kindly furnish the following information under RTI act:
1.The group of JTO i.e Group A,B,C etc as on 24.11.1997,03.08.1998 and 01.4.2017
2. The group of SDE as on 01.4.2017

11/22/2017 Sir, enclosed herewith is reply to your RTI application for information and further appeal, if any, please
1178 DOTEL/R/2017/90038

We are transferring query no. (b) in the captioned RIA under Section 6 (3) of the RTI Act, 2005, to Department of Telecommunications(DoT), Ministry of Communications, Government of India for your...

11/22/2017 reply uploaded
1179 DOTEL/R/2017/50837

Whether the Telegraph Authority as under section 3(6) of Indian Telegraph act includes private Authorities

This question is asked due to the fact that there is still ambiguity. Infact in...

11/22/2017 The information sought is provided in the attached file.
1180 DOTEL/R/2017/80699

As per attachment

11/21/2017 reply uploaded and send through by post also
