
Request :

Please do me, Harish Goyal, not the street Under the Right to Information Act, 2005, the following information should be given to the mobile tower installed at address 12, Phase 4, Man 33 Fit Road, Shiv Vihar, Karwal Nagar, North East Delhi 110094.

1.Harish Goyal, street no. 12, Phase 4, Man 33 Fit Road, Shiv Vihar, Karaval Nagar, North East Delhi 110094, should be given the information of the ID of the mobile tower installed.
2.The Structure Ability Certificate of the mobile tower installed at the above address was provided, if given, copy of it should be given, if given, the reasons given are not given.
3.Consent (NOC) has been taken from people living near the mobile tower at the above address, if consent has been obtained, then which ones are taken, a copy of their consent (NOC) should be given.
4.If the damage done to the mobile tower installed on the above address is taken from the bond owner or service provider or not, the copy should be given if taken, if not taken, then the reasons should be given.
5.The information given in the above address should be given to the mobile tower, whether it is in the residential area or not.
6. The mobile tower installed on the above address, he adheres to all the guidelines, should be given the information.
7. We have asked for the removal of the mobile towers located at the above address and the department of which department will have to contact and it should be given information.
8. If there are structural safety certificates received from the nominated body, which are installed on the above mobile address, then a copy of the certificate should be made available, if not, should notify the reasons.
9.Mobile phone operators and building Malik have taken the certificate from the municipality or related authority, if found, at the above address, if provided, copy of it should be provided, if not taken the reasons.
10.Whether or not there are any TRAI instructions for applying mobile towers on roof tops, if they are, then copy should be given.

NOTE: - I will give you the copy which you give me. I agree to pay the fee for all those copies.

Apeal Reply

Please see that attached Appeal Order.

Apeal Received Date:
Wednesday, April 18, 2018