
Request :

Sub: Information Regarding - Installation of mobile antenna

Desc: Please provide the following information u/s 2(f), (i), (j) and 6(1) of the RTI Act 2005:br
1. Kindly mention the minimum safe height for installation of mobile MOBILE (CELL ) Tower Antenna a) from ground level b) from roof top of multistory building surrounded by other buildings.

2. Please mention the minimum safe height of mobile antenna erected on the roof top of multistorey building if the buildings of same height are very close i.e less than 20 ft distance

3. Kindly mention the minimum distance (horizontal) between the mobile antenna installed on building roof top and the nearby building of same or more height. ( minimum safety distance of adjoining builling B from builing A with mobile antenna )

4. Please mention the minimum prescribed distance between one mobile antenna cluster from another nearby cluster. ( If building A has cluster of mobile antenna at what horizontal distance Building B can erect mobile antenna

5. Kindly mention the maximum number of multiple mobile antenna that are allowed to be erected on roof top of any building (2 G 3 G 4 G.all included )

6. Please mention the penal provisions that may be taken against any agency or buildings for violating the norms for minimum distance and exceeding antenna limit .

Please advice the full name and address of concerned authority for lodging compliant against agency/house owner for violation of the norms prescribed by DOT for mobile antenna.

7. Kindly mention name of the department and designated officials who are responsible for monitoring the installation and continuation of mobile antenna sites in India.

8. Please furnish certified copies of rules / regulations / notifications / orders / other relevant documents mentioning the guidelines and penal provisions pertaining to installation of mobile antenna.

9. Please furnish relevant supporting documents in favor of your responses.

Note: Kindly consider this as an urgent matter and provide the requested information as early as possible.