E.g., 07/01/2024
E.g., 07/01/2024
Sl.No. Text Of RTI Apllication View request doc Link Request Received Date Request Reply Doc Appeal Appeal reply
491 DOTEL/R/E/20/00440

I would like to know the process of apply for Amateur Radio Import license by DPL holder and the documents required for the same.
Since WPC website has been down for a long time no documents...

05/21/2020 WPC Wing web site www.wpc.gov.in is currently shutdown due to certain administrative reason. However, you may apply offline for any type of wireless license requirement. Proforma, checklist and other...
492 DOTEL/R/E/20/00432/2

I hereby seek following document/information under the provisions of the Act:
1. Whether the terms BTS, Telegraph Line, Post, Pole, Mobile tower, GBM and Overground Infrastructure are...

05/18/2020 The information as sought by you refers to interpretation of various technologies, which does not come under the purview of RTI Act. Hence, the information available with this CPIO may please be...
493 DOTEL/R/X/20/00019/1

The sought information is about obtaining location information from TSPs and rules thereof which may pertain to AS cell of DoT. Delay in transfer is regretted.

05/15/2020 In respect of Call Details Record, it is intimated that as per Licensing Condition No.39.20 of the Licence Agreement for Unified License, all the Telecom Service Providers have to preserve the CDRs...
494 DOTEL/R/T/20/00401/4

With reference to 5G spectrum technology i want to ask few questions
1. What is 5G technology.
2. What is the budget projection for the installation.
3.What is the mode of...

05/14/2020 This query does not pertain to this CPIO. Hence the reply may be taken as NIL.
495 DOTEL/R/T/20/00403

Dear Sir, kindly provide the following information on urgent basis:
1. Is UID/ Adhar Card Mandatory for obtaining new prepaid connection in India by a Resident and Citizen of India.

05/14/2020 Replyuploaded
496 DOTEL/R/E/20/00425

Dear Sir/Madam,

Please provide the following information under the Right to Information Act 2005.

1. Has Department of Telecommunications, Government of India given instruction to...

05/13/2020 As per information received from some of the major Telecom Service providers, the website mentioned in the RTI application has not been blocked by them and is accessible from their network. Further,...
497 DOTEL/R/T/20/00384/1

R / official,
Please, provide information on the point no. (2) given below:

P2: Activation process(using Jio Sim card).
Detailed reply is expected.

awaiting your response...

05/07/2020 In this regard, it is intimated that no such information in respect of the the querries raised in your RTI application is available with this CPIO. Hence, the information may be treated as NIL.
498 DOTEL/R/T/20/00377/1

Dear sir,
You are requested to provide the following information...

1. According to present guidelines of TRAI Telecom companies keep how long time ago call record...

05/05/2020 reply uploaded
499 DOTEL/R/T/20/00373

Is Right to Internet access a fundamental right under Article 21 or Article 19 of the Constitution of India.

05/04/2020 It is noted that application has raised a query. In this regard, it is intimated that as per provisions of RTI Act 2005, it is not permitted for the CPIO to create information or to interpret...
500 DOTEL/R/E/20/00392

Kind Att: Shri PC Sharma DIR (DS-III) and any other relevant CPIO
SUBJECT: Information regarding blocking of website www.godaddy.com
Dear sirs,...

05/03/2020 It is observed that certain queries have been raised in the application. In this regard, it is intimated that as per provisions of RTI Act 2005, it is not permitted for the CPIO to create...
