E.g., 07/01/2024
E.g., 07/01/2024
Sl.No. Text Of RTI Apllication View request doc Link Request Received Date Request Reply Doc Appeal Appeal reply
481 DOTEL/R/T/20/00459/1

1. Please furnish the mandatory requirements for installation of mobile tower.
2.Please confirm whether no objection certificate from the neighboring people is needed or not

06/02/2020 The information in respect of your querries relating to this CPIO may be treated as NIL.
482 DOTEL/R/E/20/00469

The information sought herein relates to the order issued by the DoT to Internet Service Providers (ISPs) on May 18, 2020 to block computer file sharing website WeTransfer on request of the Delhi...

06/01/2020 It is intimated that information sought by the applicant may impede the process of investigation and the therefore the CPIO is not obliged to disclose the same under section 8(1)(h) of the RTI Act...
483 DOTEL/R/E/20/00471

1.Is watching porn illegal in India.
2.Why jio and airtel had blocked some porn sites.

06/01/2020 It is noted that certain queries have been raised in the RTI Application. In this regard, it is intimated that as per provisions of RTI Act 2005, it is not permitted for the CPIO to create...
484 DOTEL/R/E/20/00468/6

Dear Sir,Im Saravanan S from Karuppukilar village-614708,In my Village We are facing network issue in my village-no mobile network coverage and no broadband connection available in my village...

05/31/2020 Reply attached.
485 DOTEL/R/T/20/00449

Respected Sir/Mam
My Humble submission to the Prime Minister Of India. The Contents Are Mentioned Below For Right To Information.
1.Why The Services of 2G in Jammu and Kashmir are...

05/29/2020 It is to mention that the information sought by you under Right to Information Act, 2005 pertains to creating information by drawing inference and or making of assumptions or interpreting information...
486 DOTEL/R/T/20/00448/1

Currently what is the Audit mechanism of Customer KYC for Wireline Broadband, Internet Leased Line, SIP Trunk and other Wireline services offered under licence from Dept of Telecommunications. Is...

05/29/2020 In this regard, it is intimated that no such information in respect of the the querries raised in your RTI application is available with this CPIO. Hence, the information may be treated as NIL.
487 DOTEL/R/E/20/00452/3

Kindly provide the following details regarding the installation of mobile towers

1. Latest advisory guidelines for State governments for the issue of clearance for installation of mobile...

05/28/2020 The information in respect of this CPIO is uploaded
488 DOTEL/R/T/20/00442/1

Dear Sir ,
I , Peddi Shobha Rani D/O- Yerram Narsaiah , want to state that , Please provide the following information
1 . Provide the advice whether any other person has a right to...

05/27/2020 The information in respect of the RTI Application pertaining to this CPIO is as follows i In respect of Call Details Record, it is intimated that as per Licensing Condition No.39.20 of the...
489 DOTEL/R/T/20/00438/1

1) Has TRAI or DoT or any other government body issued any orders which makes it compulsory for any locality or city or district or zones or Resident Welfare Associations etc to have more than one...

05/26/2020 In this regard, it is intimated that no such information in respect of the the querries raised in your RTI application is available with this CPIO. Hence, the information may be treated as NIL.
490 DOTEL/R/T/20/00439/1

1) Has TRAI or DoT or any other government body issued any orders which makes it compulsory for any locality or city or district or zones or Resident Welfare Associations etc to have more than one...

05/26/2020 In this regard, it is intimated that no such information in respect of the the querries raised in your RTI application is available with this CPIO. Hence, the information may be treated as NIL.
