
Request :

1) Has TRAI or DoT or any other government body issued any orders which makes it compulsory for any locality or city or district or zones or Resident Welfare Associations etc to have more than one ISP (where more than one ISP can offer to serve) - If yes, please provide scanned copies of such orders. Also, please mention that whether the same is applicable to all central government/state government residential colonies. Also, please mention if the above condition - one or more ISPs include government ISPs such as MTNL/BSNL, etc or otherwise. Are ISPs mandated to share the infrastructure (cables, etc) with other ISPs in the same area.

2) Can the controlling body of central government/state government residential colonies form and authorize any local bodies formed by employees to issue long term contract to a single ISP by any means - tender basis or otherwise to serve the entire colony/township. If yes, why. If No, what action can be taken against them.

3) Can a group of elected employees form any association and get it authorized by controlling body of central government/state government residential colonies and issue long term contract to a single ISP by any means - tender basis or otherwise to serve the entire colony/township. If yes, why. If No, what action can be taken against them.

Please provide scanned copies of supporting orders issued by TRAI or DoT or any other government body supporting the information asked for above two points.