E.g., 07/01/2024
E.g., 07/01/2024
Sl.No. Text Of RTI Apllication View request doc Link Request Received Date Request Reply Doc Appeal Appeal reply
321 DOTEL/R/T/21/00536

The RTI application is being transferred under Section 6(3) of RTI Act, 2005 to MHA for providing information to if any, directly to the applicant/ transferring to the concerned CPIO with respect...

06/22/2021 The information in respect of the RTI Application pertaining to this CPIO is as follows : (i) In order to streamline the process of internet shutdowns in the Country, the Department of...
322 DOTEL/R/T/21/00516

Request :
Sir, I have my number of Airtel operator . I wants to get information regarding my personal number 8053648700.
You are requested to furnish following information/documents....

06/16/2021 The information in respect of the RTI Application pertaining to this CPIO is as follows : (i) In respect of Call Details Record, it is intimated that as per Licensing Condition No.39.20 of the...
323 DOTEL/R/T/21/00506

Please provide the relevant regulations governing collection of live facial images of customers visiting stores run by Airtel for service.

06/11/2021 The information in respect of the RTI Application pertaining to this CPIO is as follows : (i) In this regard, it is intimated that no such information in respect of the querries raised in your RTI...
324 DOTEL/R/E/21/00429

Please provide the following information

1. Asset monetization plan in r/o 10.96 acres of land belonging to BSNL RTTC Hyderabad taken up by DOT through DIPAM under phase 1.
2. Report...

06/05/2021 Reply enclosed
325 DOTEL/R/T/21/00480

Related to Bharti Airtel Company
In relation to my mobile number 9166712270
1. May 2021 who has seen the personal information given to the company on this mobile number of mine in...

06/04/2021 In this regard, it is intimated that no such information in respect of the querries raised in your RTI application is available with this CPIO. Hence, the information may be treated as NIL. rigst information not provided

Your RTI application has appropriately been replied and disposed off. No such information is available in this office.

326 DOTEL/R/E/21/00385/2

1. Whether Space Exploration Technologies, Corp. (SpaceX), Starlink Services, LLC or any of their affiliates thereof have any authorization or license from the Department of Telecommunications or...

05/19/2021 . Whether there has been any auction held for the allocation of the 12.2-12.7 GHz band as provided under the National Frequency Allocation Plan, 2018. If yes, please provide the list of entities who...
327 DOTEL/R/E/21/00376/1

1) When did Punjab based internet service provider Netplus (Netplus Broadband Service Pvt Ltd. 5th Floor. The Grand Walk Mall, Ferozpur Road Ludhiana 141001) got the license from Department of...

05/15/2021 In this regard, it is intimated that no such information in respect of the querries raised in your RTI application is available with this CPIO. Hence, the information may be treated as NIL.
328 DOTEL/R/E/21/00373

Dear Team, I want know that in india our telecom companies are giving us 28 days validity instead of 30 days per month. Due to this we have to pay money for 13 month per year. As per me it is not...

05/14/2021 In this regard, it is intimated that no such information in respect of the querries raised in your RTI application is available with this CPIO. Hence, the information may be treated as NIL.
329 DOTEL/R/T/21/00409/1

निचे लिखे हुये से संबंधित सूचना प्रदान करने कि कृपा करे।
1- कोविड-19 कोरोना किस वायरस से होता है।
2- कोविड-19 कोरोना का वायरस कैसे पैदा हुआ या होता है।
3- कोविड-19 कोरोना से भारत...

05/12/2021 the reply in respect of the RTI application pertaining to this CPIO is attached.
330 DOTEL/R/E/21/00364

We have located few notifications/letters (see attached file) from sources other than the official Department of Telecommunications website. Upon confirmation from the department over call we have...

05/11/2021 The information in respect of the RTI Application pertaining to this CPIO is as follows: The information pertaining to this CPIO is available on DoT Website under Access Services and further under...
