E.g., 07/01/2024
E.g., 07/01/2024
Sl.No. Text Of RTI Apllication View request doc Link Request Received Date Request Reply Doc Appeal Appeal reply
291 DOTEL/R/T/21/00764/25

2. Number of BTS under 2G, 3G, 4G operational in India operator wise.

08/31/2021 Please find enclosed herewith reply of your RTI application
292 DOTEL/R/T/21/00763/7

Please provide the following information under RTI ACT:

1.Amount of pending dues to be paid to BSNL by DoT under various accounts and those details
2. Amount of pending dues to be...

08/31/2021 identical RTI application has already been dealt with by -Dir(LFA-III) vide DOTEL/R/T/21/00763/6 on 12.10.21 -ADG (PSU-I) vide DOTEL/R/T/21/00763/1 on 15.09.21
293 DOTEL/R/T/21/00764/11

As per RTI act, Please provide the following information:

1. Total amount of dues pending for payment to BSNL under various accounts and those details.
2. Number of BTS under 2G, 3G,...

08/31/2021 Identical RTI application has already been dealt with by : ADG(PSU-I) vide DOTEL/R/T/21/00764/1 on 15.09.21 Dir (LFA-III) vide DOTEL/R/T/21/00764 on 07.10.21 ADG (A&W)vide DOTEL/R/T/21/...
294 DOTEL/R/T/21/00764/7

As per RTI act, Please provide the following information:

1. Total amount of dues pending for payment to BSNL under various accounts and those details.
2. Number of BTS under 2G, 3G,...

08/31/2021 identical RTI application has already been dealt with by -Dir(LFA-III) vide DOTEL/R/T/21/00764 on 07.10.21 -ADG (PSU-I) vide DOTEL/R/T/21/00764/1 on 15.09.21 -ADG (A&W) vide DOTEL/R/T/21/...
295 DOTEL/R/T/21/00764/15

As per RTI act, Please provide the following information:

1. Total amount of dues pending for payment to BSNL under various accounts and those details.
2. Number of BTS under 2G, 3G,...

08/31/2021 Identical RTI application has already been dealt with by : ADG(PSU-I) vide DOTEL/R/T/21/00764/1 on 15.09.21 Dir (LFA-III) vide DOTEL/R/T/21/00764 on 07.10.21 ADG (A&W)vide DOTEL/R/T/21/...
296 DOTEL/R/E/21/00685

due to online education classes many students using mobile connections and sometimes required new sims also. WHAT IS THE MINIMUM AGE TO TAKE A NEW MOBILE SIM/CONNECTION FROM TELECOM OPERATOR.

08/27/2021 In this regard, it is intimated that no such information in respect of the querries raised in your RTI application is available with this CPIO. Hence, the information may be treated as NIL.
297 DOTEL/R/T/21/00757

What is cost,charge or service charge for Csc wifi connection?

08/27/2021 RTI request has been forwarded to CSC-SPV under section 6 (3) of the RTI Act, 2005 for furnishing the information.
298 DOTEL/R/E/21/00671


08/27/2021 In this regard, it is intimated that no such information in respect of the querries raised in your RTI application is available with this CPIO. Hence, the information may be treated as NIL. Not satisfied with reply. There should be minimum age must be prescribed by DOT to take new mobile connection. If ruling is not available then it should be allowed for all ages say above 10 years...

Appropriate reply has been provided by the CPIO. No such information is available in this section.

299 DOTEL/R/T/21/00754

1.When will start CSC WiFi connection in our Panchayat Bela Machhapakauni Block Parihar District Sitamarhi in Bihar?Fibre reached but WiFi connection not start.
2.I want all data collected...

08/26/2021 RTI request has been forwarded to CSC-SPV under section 6 (3) of the RTI Act, 2005 for furnishing the information.
300 DOTEL/R/T/21/00755

The Matter is attached.

To,Head Office
CSC eGovernance Services India Limited, Ministryof Electronics & Information Technology, Electronics Niketan, 6, CGOComplex, Lodhi Road...

08/26/2021 RTI request has been forwarded to CSC-SPV under section 6 (3) of the RTI Act, 2005 for furnishing the information.
