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Sl.No. Text Of RTI Apllication View request doc Link Request Received Date Request Reply Doc Appeal Appeal reply
1161 DOTEL/R/2017/80730

Dear Sir,

There are two queries listed down..Kindly provide clarification for the same.

1. Can an Internet Service Provider appoint Payment Collection Agency to collect end customer...

12/04/2017 As per provisions of RTI Act 2005, it is not permitted for the CPIO to create information or to interpret information or to solve the problems raised by the applicants or to furnish replies to...
1162 DOTEL/R/2017/90039

We are transferring query of the captioned RIA under Section 6 (3) of the RTI Act, 2005, to Department of Telecommunications(DoT), Ministry of Communications, Government of India. You may provide...

12/04/2017 reply uploaded
1163 DOTEL/R/2017/50870

Subject:- Information under RTI Act, 2005

You are requested to furnish the following information under RTI Act, 2005:
1. No. of vacancies reported to Staff Selection...

12/04/2017 RTI was disposed of and reply was given on 02-01-2018. Please find attached a copy of reply.
1164 DOTEL/R/2017/80729

I have not linked my mobile numbers with my AADHAAR number yet. Few days ago it was all over the news that the AADHAAR database was leaked. So I want to know how secured is my details under Govt....

12/04/2017 reply uploaded
1165 DOTEL/R/2017/50863

Kindly arrange to provide information under RTI Act-2005 as required in the enclosed letter.

11/30/2017 Sir, enclosed herewith is reply to your RTI application for information and further appeal, if any, please. Sir, Kindly refer to my RTI application No RTI/VKP/DOT/1/2017-18 Dated: 30/11/2017. I am under receipt of reply from three different authorities on the subject vide 1. DOT letter No 59-57/2017-SU-...
1166 DOTEL/R/2017/80723/1

Dear Sir / Madam,
Through this RTi application, I want to know about the rule and regulations which should be followed by mobile tower installation companies. I want to say that already two...

11/30/2017 Written reply was sent to the applicant dated 15.12.2017.
1167 DOTEL/R/2017/80720

I would like to do RTI in regarding, mandatory of Aadhar for Telecom Services. As Aadhar openly destroying my fundamental Rights. How is it possible for me to submitting Aadhar. I...

11/29/2017 reply uploaded
1168 DOTEL/R/2017/50860

The service providers install their servers on higher buildings to get better range. The radiations produced by the indian service providers are around 11000mhz which is far higher than the...

11/29/2017 Written reply was sent to the applicant dated 15.12.2017.
1169 DOTEL/R/2017/50859

I have came to know the details guidelines issued by DOT for installation of Mobile Tower through my RTI, reply attached. Through this RTI I would like to know what are the NOC provided by the...

11/29/2017 Written reply was sent to the applicant dated 15.12.2017.
1170 DOTEL/R/2017/80715

Refer Attachment

11/28/2017 Sir, enclosed herewith is reply to your RTI application for information and further appeal, if any, please
