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E.g., 07/01/2024
Sl.No. Text Of RTI Apllication View request doc Link Request Received Date Request Reply Doc Appeal Appeal reply
1101 DOTEL/R/2018/80023

Please prove me information of the following
1)Total no of Aadhar generated till 31st December,2017 midnight(11.59pm)
2)Total no of correction (including Demographic and biometric...

01/09/2018 reply uploaded
1102 DOTEL/R/2018/80021

I would like to view all the circulars and notifications regarding the liniking of aadhar card with mobile numbers and bank accounts. I would also like to know if my sim card and bank account will...

01/09/2018 reply uploaded
1103 DOTEL/R/2018/80022


What is the reason to link Aadhaar card to my bank accounts, telecom provider so on

Is there any Indian government law declared to link my Aadhaar to bank accounts

01/09/2018 reply uploaded
1104 DOTEL/R/2018/80013/1

Dear Sir I am living in gurugram under residential area.

I want to know that what is the rule & regulations for installation the mobile tower.

Please provide the full detail...

01/08/2018 Written reply was sent to the applicant dated 15.01.2018.
1105 DOTEL/R/2018/80020

Hi Sir/Madam

Could you please clarify below question

1) Is it mandatory to link Aadhar with mobile number. If yes, Why

2) Dis Government pass any bill on this. Please provide...

01/08/2018 reply uploaded Sir/Madam, You are doing re-verification of mobile number subscriber. I am okay with that. BUT Why with Aadhar What the person who does not have Aadhar can do You may do verification with any...

The application was appropriately replied. The CPIO replied on 18.01.2018 for the above querry of the applicant. The information provided includes the websites links of Deptl instructions No.800-26/2016/As.II dated 23.03.2017, 01.12.2017 & 20.12.2017.

1106 DOTEL/R/2018/80015

As per text RTI

01/08/2018 Sir, enclosed herewith is reply to your RTI application for information and further appeal, if any, please.
1107 DOTEL/R/2018/80012


I, Sarath Kumar Ambarkar, S/o Lakshmi Narayana (late) employee of BSNL, Department of Telecommunications, who was retired on thirty may two thousand and twelve. My Mother is getting...

01/05/2018 AS PER PDF ATTACHED. Sir, I, Sarath Kumar Ambarkar, S/o Lakshmi Narayana (late) employee of BSNL, Department of Telecommunications, who was retired on thirty may two thousand and twelve. My Mother is getting the family...

I have carefully considered the grounds of appeal and the action taken by Dir (Estt.II) and CPI against the said RTI application. I find the action taken by the Dir(Estt.II) & CPIO w.r.t. to the said application to be in order in terms of the provisions contained in the RTI. The appeal stands disposed of accordingly.

1108 DOTEL/R/2018/50023

Ref Office of Principal Controller of Communication Account Chennai Tamilnadu letter no TAC DOT CELL TN PEN IDA LPS 1304

Kindly provide following copy of documents

1 Copy...

01/04/2018 The information sought by you is not available in this officeand pertains to Jt. CCA, Tamilnadu circle,hence the applications is being forwarded to him for furnishing information directly to you.
1109 DOTEL/R/2018/80010

Is it mandatory to link aadhar with mobile connection.

01/04/2018 reply uploaded
1110 DOTEL/R/2018/50024

1. The agency that maintains the DoT website and the departmental cell/wing/division that updates the data on the website....

01/04/2018 Sir, enclosed herewith is reply to your RTI application for information and further appeal, if any, please. Sir, The reply to point no. 3, as provided via letter no. 100-2/2018-STG-I(iv) dated 30-01-2018, should also have included the designation and the cadre (if they do not belong to ITS) of the...

The requisite information has been provided to the applicant by Director (Staff) & CPIO vide letter No.100-2/2018-STG-I dated 8th March, 2018 along with the designations. A scanned copy of the letter is attached.
Appeal is disposed off accordingly.
