E.g., 07/01/2024
E.g., 07/01/2024
Sl.No. Text Of RTI Apllication View request doc Link Request Received Date Request Reply Doc Appeal Appeal reply
1061 DOTEL/R/2018/80091/1

Complaint against illegal mobile tower installed in residential area
Dear sir,
I am a resident of Vrushabavathi Layout near Gubbalala lake banashankari 6th stage 4th H block further...

02/07/2018 Written reply was sent to the applicant dated 20.02.2018.
1062 DOTEL/R/2018/80092

1. Recently UIDAI start EKYC through OTP & IRIS Scanner. But previously I & other Divyang also complete EKYC process through mother father & other relative Aadhar Number. So now if I...

02/07/2018 reply uploaded
1063 DOTEL/R/2018/90017

Transferred to DoT U/s 6(3) of the RTI Act for providing information to the applicant as may be available with them.

02/06/2018 As per PDF attached.
1064 DOTEL/R/2018/50107/1

I seek to know the following under the RTI ACT 2005
I am a citizen of India

Date of Voluntary Retirement...

02/06/2018 the information sought is not available in this office and pertains to Jt. CCA & CPIO, O/o the CCA, DoT, Bengaluru. Hence, Your physical applications is being transferred to Jt. CCA, Karnataka,...
1065 DOTEL/R/2018/50103/2

Thankful if you could share with me the status of revision of Pension of PPO No. 771010604248 in terms of the Deptt of P&PW Order No.
F.No.4/34/2002-P&PW(D).Vol.II dated 23.6.2017...

02/05/2018 As per PDF attached
1066 DOTEL/R/2018/80085/1

1. Please provide the process through which the Aadhar linked account like bank account, Insurance policy, mobile number & etc (any other account where aadhar number is used) can be obtained...

02/05/2018 reply uploaded
1067 DOTEL/R/2018/50103

Thankful if you could share with me the status of revision of Pension of PPO No. 771010604248 in terms of the Deptt of P&PW Order No.
F.No.4/34/2002-P&PW(D).Vol.II dated 23.6.2017...

02/05/2018 As per attachment
1068 DOTEL/R/2018/80085

1. Please provide the process through which the Aadhar linked account like bank account, Insurance policy, mobile number & etc (any other account where aadhar number is used) can be obtained...

02/05/2018 reply uploaded
1069 DOTEL/R/2018/50101

Please provide me the following information under RTI Act, 2005:
1. Copies of the note sheets of the year 2017 & 2018 of the file from which the letter no. 6-1/2014-EW dated 25.1.2018,...

02/04/2018 Refer letter uploaded The additional payment of Rs 26/- has been done on 28.02.2018, but the required information is not received till date. It is requested to upload the information on the rti website, without any...

Required information has already been provided by CPIO vide letter No.15-60/2012-EW dated 6.3.2018. The covering letter has also been uploaded on website on 8.3.2018. THE CPIO has further informed that information requested by the applicant could not be uploaded on the RTI website being bulky one as there is limit of only 1 mb for uploading a file. Therefore, the information has been supplied to the applicant through post. The appeal dated 7.3.2018 stands disposed off accordingly.

1070 DOTEL/R/2018/50102/2

1.how many anteena receiver can be installed on a single tower.2.multiple antenna on a single tower is exert how many radiation and that is hazardous or not for health 3 at site of viome company...

02/04/2018 Written reply was sent to the applicant dated 20.02.2018.
