
COORDINATION on 16.07.2016

सूचना का अधिकार

सूचना का अधिकार

सीपीआईओ और एफएए सूची (दूरसंचार विभाग) दिनांक 30.06.2018

IFASSESSMENT on 15.07.2016

हमारे बारे में - LFP और LFA

Licensing Finance -Assessment Wing

Review if DVR reports

ADMIN on 15.07.2016

हमारे बारे में - LFP और LFA

Licensing Finance consists of two parts:-

1. LF-Policy

2. LF-Assessment

Licensing Finance- Policy Wing

  • Policy related matters of Unified License, Unified Access Service License, INSAT MSS-R Licenses, ISP "A" , "B" and "C" Category Licenses, Resale IPLC Licenses, PMRTS/CMRTS Licenses and Audio Text/ Voicemail/UMS Licenses, Radio-paging, VSAT(Captive as well as Commercial),NLD, ILD and IP-II services.
  • Policy matters on Tripartite Agreements (TPA)
IFASSESSMENT on 15.07.2016

सामान्य प्रश्न


Q.No. 1 What are the admissible deductions?

Deductions claimed on account of PSTN related call charges and roaming charges (Pass through charges/Interconnect Usage Charges) actually paid to eligible Telecom Service Providers and Sales Tax & Service Tax (if included in the Gross Revenue) actually paid to Government are admissible.

Q.No. 2 What are the documents required for verification of deductions by the CCA offices?

ACCESS on 15.07.2016

एकीकृत लाइसेंस

एकीकृत लाइसेंस:

