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Sl.No. Text Of RTI Apllication View request doc Link Request Received Date Request Reply Doc Appeal Appeal reply
811 DOTEL/R/2019/80305

Please let me know the procedure to get the call details with tower location and GPRS data details with tower location for 9th march 2018 for my personal mobile number 9560152949 from Airtel....

03/27/2019 reply uploaded
812 DOTEL/R/2019/50270/1

Kindly provide following information----

1. Details of action taken against employees/officers of your department and its other offices since January 1, 2018 for criticising...

03/25/2019 In so far as the undersigned CPIO is concerned, information may kindly be treated Nil.
813 DOTEL/R/2019/80297/2

At what distance a mobile tower can be present from a residence and from a school.
What are the procedures to make remove an existing mobile tower installed within 4 to 5 meters from a...

03/25/2019 reply uploaded
814 DOTEL/R/2019/80295/2

What is the rules and regulations to be followed while installing a mobile tower. Eg safe distance to be maintained in residential areas. Etc

03/25/2019 reply uploaded
815 DOTEL/R/2019/80286

pdf attached.

03/22/2019 reply uploaded
816 DOTEL/R/2019/50257/2

Information Regarding - the copy of the rules and guidelines to be followed before installing mobile towers and in the residential areas or near schools.

Please provide the following...

03/21/2019 reply uploaded
817 DOTEL/R/2019/80281

Dear Sir,
I want the mobile tower installation policy of Madhya Pradesh.

03/20/2019 Available information provided to the applicant vide letter No. 11-01/2019 CS III/ 55-56 dated 01.04.2019
818 DOTEL/R/2019/80283

Dear Respected sir /madam please give information about following -
What are the Rules and regulations for installation of telecom tower on the three story residential building roof (roof...

03/20/2019 Available information provided to the applicant vide letter No, 11-01/2019 CS III/54 dated 01.04.2019
819 DOTEL/R/2019/80280

Please provide guidelines to be followed and mandatory permission to be taken for Installing Mobile towers at residential area which is having high population surrounding tower.

03/20/2019 Available information provide to the applicant vide letter No. 11-01/2019-CS-III/57 dated 01.04.2019
820 DOTEL/R/2019/80282/2

Dear Sir,
I want the follwing:
1. guidelines for installing mobile towers in residential areas.
2. Second the norms to be followed for distance from schools and hospitals

