E.g., 06/30/2024
E.g., 06/30/2024
Sl.No. Text Of RTI Apllication View request doc Link Request Received Date Request Reply Doc Appeal Appeal reply
201 DOTEL/R/T/22/00067

1. Copy of instructions/letter given by the department to TRAI or other departments regarding linking mobile with Aadhar card.

2. In the context of the decision passed by the Supreme Court...

01/24/2022 The information in respect of the RTI Application pertaining to querries are as follows - Querry No.1- No such instructions issued by DoT. However, DoT has issued instructions for issuing of...
202 DOTEL/R/E/22/00058

Please provide a copies of letter NO.842-582/2005-VAS/12 dated 29 August 2005 and as amended vide letter dated 7th September, 2005 issued by Department of Telecommunication to all telecom...

01/22/2022 The information in respect of the RTI Application pertaining to querries are as follows : The requested copy of letter no.842-582/2005-VAS/12 dated 29.08.2005 is enclosed but the amended letter...
203 DOTEL/R/E/21/01084/2

Details of point 1,2 are not available with the CPIO. As per records, reply was uploaded by the then Dir S-II on 19.08.2019, copy of which is being provided to the applicant.

01/21/2022 The information sought by the applicant is not available with the undersigned CPIO.
204 DOTEL/R/E/22/00049/5

Details of point 1,2 are not available with the CPIO. However, copy of reply sent, as requested in para 3, is provided to the applicant.

01/21/2022 The information sought by the applicant is not available with the undersigned CPIO.
205 DOTEL/R/X/22/00004

Point 1-6

01/18/2022 R/Sir, Kindly find the enclosed letter herewith. With Regards,
206 DOTEL/R/T/22/00054

Please provide information under law specifically each point wise as under -
a. Whether Telecom service providers (TSPs) are legally bound to PRESERVE call details records(CDR) on the...

01/18/2022 reply uploaded specific queries No. a. , b. & d. each point wise information not provided clearly and specifically. information provided by generalisation. information needed be provided against each...

The reply given to the RTI applicant by this CPIO is as follows: 1. The RTI application is partly transferred to Director(AS) on 28.01.2022. 2.The part reply for querry no.a,b & d given by this CPIO to the RTI application is "In respect of Call Details Record, it is intimated that as per Licensing Condition No.39.20 of the Licence Agreement for Unified License, all the Telecom Service Providers have to preserve the CDRs at least for two years for scrutiny by the licenser for security reasons. Licence Agreement of Unified License and its amendment can be downloaded from the...

207 DOTEL/R/T/22/00053


The Public Information Officer,

Particulars of information required under RTI Act 2005...

01/18/2022 reply uploaded
208 DOTEL/R/T/22/00036

I may please be provided following information under RTI ACT 2005 and under section 6(3).

1. What is GHAR TAK FIBER scheme. Please provide latest and complete GoI policy of same scheme....

01/12/2022 No other information is available in this office. CPIO has not provided reply within time.It is clear violation of RTI ACT 2005. CPIO May please be directed to provide information.

The CPIO already submitted information earlier as "No other information is available in this office".

209 DOTEL/R/T/22/00026/3

Request to provide detailed information on below-mentioned points:
2. What all NOC and clearance the telecom company needs?

01/10/2022 In this regard, it is intimated that no such information in respect of the querries raised in your RTI application is available with this CPIO. Hence, the information may be treated as NIL.
210 DOTEL/R/T/22/00026/1

Request to provide detailed information on below-mentioned points:
2. What all NOC and clearance the telecom company needs?

01/10/2022 In this regard, it is intimated that no such information in respect of the querries raised in your RTI application is available with this CPIO. Hence, the information may be treated as NIL.
