
Request :

Honorable Supreme court in Aadhaar case verdict ordered that any constrain on citizens privacy should pass three tests

1.Backed by a Law
2. Legitimate state interest
3.Test of proportionality.

In this context,
Please specify What are Government agencies that are authorised to seek Call Detail Records( CDR) of an individual from TSPs and the specific legal provisions/ Acts under which they are empowered to do so.

Apeal Reply

The following information was given to the RTI applicant by the CPIO on 12.11.2020. "The information in respect of the RTI Application pertaining to this CPIO is as follows : In respect of Call Details Record, it is intimated that as per Licensing Condition No.39.20 of the Licence Agreement for Unified License, all the Telecom Service Providers have to preserve the CDRs at least for one year for scrutiny by the licenser for security reasons. Licence Agreement of Unified License can be downloaded from the DoT Website from the following URL: Download The file ( bytes) pdf Icon The License condition do not mandate Telecom Service Providers(TSPs) to provide CDRs to the general public. CDRs are provided by the TSPs to the Law Enforcement Agencies & to various Courts upon their requests/directions."

Apeal Received Date:
Tuesday, August 31, 2021