
Request :

I have raised three Grievances in the CPGRAMS portal with DOT. All of them are forwarded to Airtel and all of them are not properly addressed. Airtel executive would just call me and provide some irrelevant answer. When I ask questions, the person would say they would get back to me with the details. They have never got back to me on that. But, the grievance is disposed.

Following are the references of the Grievances ID.


Here are the details, I would like to know about CPGRAMS.

1. I have provided feedback and review on the resolution provided by Airtel. Let me know the action on poor feedback and comments given.
2. Provide the procedure to reopen the Grievance when proper resolution is not provided by the authority. I find the system not useful if the Grievance cannot be reopened and the concerned person can close the grievance without providing proper resolution.
3. Let me know the procedure to get the attention of DOT and intervene issue as the Service Provider is not providing proper response.
4. As per statement of accounts, Airtel has cheated me approximately Rs 1800.00/-. In my old account, there was a credit balance of Rs 1800.00/- It is not refunded or added back to new account. When I contact Airtel, irrelevant answers are provided. DOT is not looking into it. Let me know procedure to get back the Credit balance in my old account 1800.00/-. Airtel is not responding. DOT is not intervening. I am expecting answer from RTI because DOT is not bothered to look into the issue rather than forwarding the issue to Airtel