
Request :

Request to kindly share information regarding purchase and usage of SIM card.

1. Is this necessary to submit ID proof and address proof while obtaining a new SIM card.

2. How does telecom companies ascertain that given KYC documents are not fabricated and these are genuine.

3. Does telecom companies verify residential address of applicants.

4. Is there a provision of putting penalty on telecom company if found breach for any particular SIM issuance.

5. Is there a mechanism to debar individuals from taking any new SIM card if previously found guilty of misusing his SIM for fraudulent activities.

6. What mechanism TRAI is having to stop repeated offenders involved in financial frauds through usage of mobile SIM. Is there a central repository of fraud, suspicious people

Apeal Reply

The RTI application has appropriately been answered by the CPIO. No other information is available in this Division.

Apeal Received Date:
Sunday, March 1, 2020