
Request :

Request For uploading on DoT website of its reply WITH disclosure of MY QUERY (rather than hiding reply as usual and stopping uploading of rti query after 2019) to minimize rti use under section 4(2) of RTI act to save DoT time in undue rti replies to comply DoPT circulars of 2013,2019 to avoid badly flouting of DoPT circular of dissemination of reply given

Sub- Details of agenda, proceedings and final decision made by DoT to upload on its website only rti query without reply in violation of DoPT circular of 2013,2019 of uploading of rti replies, first appeal decisions on website needing disclosure in wide public interest under section 8(2) of RTI act and related details
Ref-Most of the rti query displayed on website without reply uploaded citing word attached , sent by post only in violation of section 4(2) of rti act to minimize rti use by citizens by maximum dissemination of information

(1) Details of agenda, proceedings and final decision made by DoT to upload on its website only rti query without reply needing disclosure in wide public interest
(2) If 1 is no, liable official for uploading of rti query without replies on the website violating aforesaid DoPT circular as well as section 4(2) of RTI Act like DOTEL/R/E/22/00049 UNNCESSARY TO BE filed to know the deliberately deleted rti reply from DoT website of DOTEL/R/2019/50643 and NOT EVEN A SINGLE REPLY VISIBLE ON THE WEBSITE
(3) Copy of action taken against him for illegally hiding rti replies from the website resulting in filing of undue rti applications against section 4(2)