
Request :

DoPT has recently clarified how to regularise period of absence of Government officers from duty due to COVID concerns. DoPT has clearly stated that after 18.05.2020 if any officer has not joined duty as per roster then he/she shall submit leave application. As the government servants draws salary from citizens pocket, non-attending of office by government servant without sanctioned leave is waste of citizen money. Therefore, please provide me following details:-
1. Why Sh Mayank Mrinal, ADG in IR Wing DoT did not join office after 18.05.2020 and joined office only in September 2020 and without any sanctioned leave
2. The exact date on which Sh Mayank Mrinal joined duty after lockdown.
3. As per DoPT instructions, physiccal attendance register is to be maintained by HoD. Kindly provide me copy of register confirming the dates on which Sh Mayank Mrinal attended office physically.
4. Provide me Copy of leave application of Sh Mayank Mrinal since 18.05.2020 till he joined his duty in September 2020
5. Why reporting officer of Sh Mayank Mrinal allowed period of absence of Sh Mayank Mrinal without any action.
6. Copy of correspondence e-mail//letter informing Sh Mayank Mrinal to join roster duty and response of Sh Mayank Mrinal to roster.