
Request :

Particulars of the Information Solicited: Studies on Health Hazards due Radiation from Mobile Towers / Antennae

Specific Details of Information required: Please advise if any studies have been done about the effects of radiation from Mobile Towers/Antennae to humans , animals, birds, plants or any other living organisms for the following cellular technologies by your department
Please provide me with the following information.

1) Studies done on effects of radiation from mobile telephony antenna and towers on human beings, animals, plants or any other living organisms by your department, relevant to 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G and CDMA

2) Studies done on effects of radiation from mobile telephony antenna and towers on human beings, animals, plants or any other living organisms by any department of the Government of India, relevant to 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G and CDMA

3) Access to the studies done mentioned above

If no study has been done by your department please state so.