
Request :

Ministry of Information and Broadcasting

Subject: Request for Information under Right to Information Act 2005 regarding surveillance and suspension of internet services.

I Mr. Anooj Mehta,
Son of Shri Satishkumar Mehta
resident of kalol(pms), mobile
number:7383289688, wish to seek information as under

Number of times, duration, dates and place, where the Internet service were suspended in Republic of India since 31st March 2014.

I also request a brief introduction on how Central Monitoring System (CMS), Network Traffic Analysis (NETRA) and National Intelligence Grid (NATGRID) run and are used to extract information.

I hereby inform that following formalities have been completed by me:
1. That I have deposited the requisite fee of Rs. 10/- by way of online banking dated
21st December 2019.
2. That I belong to Category of below Poverty Line (BPL): No
3. That I am Citizen of India and I am asking the information as Citizen.
4. I assure that I shall not allow/ cause to use/ pass/share/display/ or circulate the
information received in any case and under any circumstances, with any person or
in any manner which would be detrimental to the Unity and Sovereignty or
against the Interest of India.

Signature of the Applicant:
Anooj Satish Mehta
Dated: 21/12/2019