
Request :

As India telecom sector is in distress, as the part of my project on research to solve telecom distress. I ask for information releated to Spectrum auctons, spectrum allocated to telecom companies and cost of each auctions and payment of auctioned spectrum method and how spectrum charges are calculated and kept for auction are charged. Also i need to have how to spectrum usage charges and licence fee calculated and how its charged. So i request for all the fees and charges in various aspects and all charges releated to telecom charged on telecoms companies. I want all information about 1.3 lakh core rupees adjusted gross revenue, how its calculated and charged and which telecom should pay how much.

I would like to get information on all charges and licence fee, adjusted gross revenue, spectrum usages fee, spectrum auction price, and other charges that applies on telecom companies from year 2000 to 2019. I want to get details on all amount collected from 2000, amount due from telecom companies and also amount pending from telecom companies.