
Request :


I am Nikhil Patil
I was using 8796900161 as my mobile number from service provider Aircel

By the time I port this number to tata docomo to airtel and jio sequencially
I port from Airtel to Jio in December 2018 but due to outstanding amount with airtel I have to face termination of connection by jio

I cleared the outstanding amount and present receipt to Jio but the refused to start connection stating that it cant be done now

I am attching receipt of airtel payment here

3 months or 90 days passed since my deactivation I wanted to activate this number again either as exsiting connection or as a new connection

TRAI allocate the deactivated number again to service provider after 3 months
Please tell me duly procedure to activate the same number again and to whom I need to contact

I have already tried with Airtel and jio but they are refusing to start connection

Please help me out for this please tell me by any way how i can get this number

Nikhil Patil