
Request :

Kindly provide the following details regarding the installation of Mobile Towers.

1. Latest advisory guidelines for states for the issue of clearance for the installation of mobile towers in residential areas.

2. Latest guidelines regarding the safe clearance distance for the base of a Mobile Tower from a residential building (e.g. 100 m, 200 m etc.).

3. Latest guidelines regarding the safe clearance distance for the base of a Mobile Tower from a school (e.g. 100 m, 200 m etc.).

4. Latest guidelines regarding the safe clearance distance between two adjacent Mobile Towers (e.g. 100 m, 200 m etc.).

5. Latest guidelines regarding the safe clearance distance for the base of a Mobile Tower from a public road or pathway (e.g. 100 m, 200 m etc.).

6. Whether the memorandum, numbered F. No. 15-11/2010/WL-I and dated 09 Aug 2012, from the Union Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, regarding the use of Mobile Towers, is valid at present.If it is in effect, whether it contains an advisory that prohibits the setting up of a Mobile Tower within the 1 km radius of an existing Mobile Tower.

An early reply is requested.