
Request :

the authorities whomsoever it concern

My query is in context of Towers and Poles of private telecom companies on roof top in my area.
there is already mobile pole or tower on my roof, and the same in front of my house , for the last 5 6 days.there is another mobile tower or Pole do not know what it is being in processed.
Is not there any regulation on the Private mobile companies by the government authority. The amount of radiation they radiate is well known to all. there is scientific proven long term repercussion due to these mobile towers, health Impacts of these Radiations are on all living being in area but for the economic lurement , the house owners compromise and the giant Private companies take benefit of it.
Since I am living on roof top and tenants like me are the victim of these establishment. if there is already five mobile poles or tower are already in th distance of 30- 50 meters , the new settlement is worsening the situation to worst.
By claiming My Right to Breathe the Fresh, Radiation Free Air, I want to know
(1) The Amount of radiation these mobile tower radiate on roof tops.
(2) Is not there any Government Regulation on number of these settlement in the particular area.
(3) What Government is doing for mitigating the repecussions of these towers.
(4) Who Is responsible for the health of peoples living near to these Mobile poles or towers.
(5) As a responsible citizen How I object or stand against the settlement of these towers.