
Request :

Please give the following information:
A. Please inform for how many years mobile (cellular) phone operators and or broadband service providers are required to preserve the data as detailed below for forensic analyses / crime detection:

1. Call logs.
2. Sms logs & texts.
3. Voice call recordings.
4. Name & address details of a given mobile subscriber.
5. Name & address details of a given IP code broadband customer / subscriber.

B. Under what circumstances a mobile phone operator / broadband service provider can deny or is exempt from providing information as requisitioned by an authorised investigation officer or a court.

C. Whether the answers for above requested information in case of mobile services may differ for postpaid or prepaid mobile sims and whether the answers differ for the above information for a private operator or a public sector operator i.e. whether relaxations are available for private operators.

D. Please quote rule / regulation whenever possible while enlightening info for the above.

Note: The above information is of neither personal in nature or a prohibited information. It is a knowledge resource from an august institution CBI.