
Request :


1. Is it Mandatory to link my Aadhar with my mobile number. If No, kindly provide me with the supporting documents to defend my stand against the authority demanding to do so.

2. Is it Mandatory to link my Aadhar with my Bank account. If No, kindly provide me with the supporting documents to defend my stand against the authority demanding to do so.

3. Is it Mandatory to link my Aadhar with my Credit Card. If No, kindly provide me with the supporting documents to defend my stand against the authority demanding to do so.

4. Is it Mandatory to link Children Aadhar with the school they are studying in. If No, kindly provide me with the supporting documents to defend my stand against the authority demanding to do so.

5. Please provide me the list of services (like Mobile, Bank account, Credit Card) to which the linking of Aadhar is made mandatory.

Thanks in Advance,