
Request :

Please supply me the following information under RTI Act 2005:-
Cabinet while approving the proposal of Department of Telecommunications for disbursement of pensionary benefits to all combined service pension optee absorbed employees of Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited (MTNL) also approved change in methodology in pension contribution as per FR-116 upto 31.12.2005 on the maximum of IDA pay-scales and with effect from 01.01.2006 on the actual pay drawn in the IDA pay-scales.
With reference to the above,
(1) Information be supplied about the action taken to implement the said Cabinet decision for change in methodology in pension contribution as per FR-116 upto 31.12.2005 on the maximum of IDA pay-scales and with effect from 01.01.2006 on the actual pay drawn in the IDA pay-scales for absorbed MTNL employees. Copy of the Order implementing the said Cabinet decision be supplied.
(2) In case the said decision not yet implemented, reasons for the same be informed. The authority who approved/ordered, in violation of the Cabinet decision, pension contribution on the maximum of the IDA pay scales instead of actual pay drawn in IDA pay scales even after 01.01.2006 be informed.

Apeal Reply

Appellate order is attached.

Apeal Received Date:
Friday, February 23, 2018