
Request :

This is about the post of stenographer grade C and D in your department filled through SSC Stenographer exam. Kindly do avail me the following information for that post.

1. How many vacancies are you gonna filled for the post of steno through SSC Stenographer Exam 2017
2 Kindly do avail me the place of posting (name of City of posting ) that will be filled through the SSC Stenographer Exam 2017 and also provide me the list of all the posting offices with the seat of stenographer in your department
3 What is the promotion hierarchy system of stenographer grade II In how much time a stenographer grade II get promoted
4 Is it a transferable post If I get a post suppose at Agra, Will I be transferred to any other place of posting, or I may stay at that office for my whole service tenure
5 What is the structure of your department like headquarter_zonal office_Regional Office_Sub Regional Office And where are these offices located

Kindly do avail me all the informations at the earliest, I will be highly obliged to you.