on 27.12.2016

Regarding Mobile Range/Connectivity problem in our Kumthal Village & Its adverse effect in making village digital
we wish to state that residents of our village suffering due to bad/Very Low mobile tower range/connectivity. Due to this our studying children’s are unable to avail internet services, parents has to sent their child to city for same. Which is adversely effecting overall growth of village .
Also demonetization process taking place in our country, all citizens are shifting towards digital India.. one side our honorable CM has inaugurated 100 WIFIi villages on 25.12.2016 at Haryana Bhawan. but resident of our village cannot even think it without resolving of this issue

You are requested to look into the matter personally. Please arrange to install mobile tower in village at earliest, So that we can also be part of making india digital dream of our honorable Prime Minister. Please do for the needful.