on 26.10.2016

Dear Sir,
this is to bring to your kind notice that we have been suffering since 14 Oct 2016 for reason what we never did as our entire services barred from TATA please allow me to explain

entire scenario :-

we'd procured around 60 postpaid connection from TATA-DOCOM on regular basis

now on 14th we have been informed that unbilled amount of 178745.78 against MDM 865544664 generate

within 2 days hence we stopping your services now we unable to understand how come its possible

were my credit limit is 18000/-

now the barre services entire service (incoming & Outgoing ) of all numbers who belongs to us

even if they totally separate and few of them IOCA connection how come they barred service of clean billing account ?

we hereby request you require your immediate intervention and help us with services restoration of clean BAN

as well as disputed BAN at-least incoming should start with immediate effect.
Please help

Nitesh Singh