
Request :

Namaskar,I am a Blogger from Lucknow. My profession depends entirely on internet connectivity.There was an internet shutdown in Uttar Pradesh for nearly 5 days in December 2019.My business suffered severely as I could not access my blog on Instagram.The social media platform requires one to post everyday otherwise the engagement falls which means loss of business.I want to understand what gives the state governments the right to shut down internet. Does the I&B ministry give the state governments the authority to shut down internet under any circumstance.It is not just a direct violation to the right to freedom of speech and expression granted under Article 19(1)(a) of the Indian Constitution but also a violation of the article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which guarantees everyone a right to freedom of expression.A 2016 resolution by the UNHRC clearly states that - the same human rights that people have offline must be protected online.I request the I&B Ministry to please tell me which act does the constitution give any government to take away the citizens basic rights to internet.In the digital world of today, businesses and lives depend on internet.A 5 day shut-down caused irreparable damage to my business.I really want to know who will compensate for my loss. Dhanyawaad.