
Request :

The information sought herein relates to the following two news reports - DoT units seeking bulk call data record in routine, telcos raise concern published by the Economic Times on 15 March, 2020 and Cellphone operators red-flag surveillance after Govt wants call records of all users published in the Indian Express on March 18, 2020. Please provide information in response to the following queries:

1. Please provide copies of all letters sent by the local departments of the DoT to TSPs from December 2019 to February, 2020 with regard to obtaining call data records including
(a) a full list of all TSPs with whom such directives were filed
(b) all licensed service areas where such requests were made
(c) the dates for which such information was sought and
(d) the duration/time period for which these call data records were sought.
2. Please clarify the enabling legal provision under which the requests for call data records were made.
3. Please state the official purpose for which such bulk call data records were sought from TSPs
4. Please provide a copy of the complaint filed by the Cellular Operators Association of India on February 12, 2020 to Mr. Anshu Prakash, Secretary, Department of Telecommunications with regard to these requests to obtain the call data records.